14 Aug 2010 07:29:19 GMT
Aug 14 (Reuters) - Following are security developments in Iraq at 0730 GMT on Saturday.
BAGHDAD - Gunmen using silencer guns killed two policemen and burned their bodies after storming a checkpoint in eastern Baghdad, an Interior Ministry source said.
BAGHDAD - Gunmen attacked a police checkpoint, killing two policemen in the Baghdad's southwestern district of Amil, an Interior Ministry source said.
BAGHDAD - Gunmen attacked a government-backed Sunni militia checkpoint, killing one member and wounding two others in the Baghdad's northern Shaab district, an Interior Ministry source said.
BAGHDAD - A bomb attached to car wounded a passenger and a policeman in southwestern Baghdad, an Interior Ministry source said.
BAGHDAD - A roadside bomb wounded three civilians in western Baghdad, an Interior Ministry source said.
SAMARRA - A roadside bomb wounded six policemen when it exploded near their patrol in central Samarra, 100 km (62 miles) north of Baghdad, on Friday, police said.
HAWIJA - A bomb attached to a bike wounded a policeman and a civilian when it exploded near a police patrol in Hawija, 210 km (130 miles) north of Baghdad, on Friday, police said.
(Compiled by Baghdad newsroom)