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FACTBOX-Security developments in Iraq, April 14

April 14 (Reuters) - Following are security developments in Iraq at 1240 GMT on Wednesday.

* denotes new or updated item

*BAGHDAD - A bomb placed inside a sportswear shop killed one person and wounded five others in central Baghdad, the Baghdad security office said.

*HAWIJA - A roadside bomb wounded a local leader of the government-backed militia and three bodyguards in Hawija, 210 km (130 miles) north of Baghdad. Police said another bomb hit a police patrol heading to the scene and wounded two police officers.

*MOSUL - Unknown gunmen in a car fired on an Iraqi army checkpoint, killing two soldiers in western Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.

BAGHDAD - A bomb attached to a car in al-Nisour Square in central Baghdad killed Brigadier Arkan Mohammed Ali, a counter- terrorism officer at the Interior Ministry, and wounded three people including a traffic police officer, police said.

BAGHDAD - Gunmen shot and killed an imam at the al-Rahman mosque near his house in Baghdad's northern Adhamiya district , police said.