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DTM: Displacement Index Findings, Round Eight - Data collection period: September – December 2023 (April 2024)


The Displacement Index Report Round Eight assesses the living conditions of IDPs. This report presents the findings of data collection covering between September and December 2023. Data collection for DI Round 8 took place across 18 governorates, 103 districts and 2,581 locations of Iraq. During this round, 33 fewer locations of displacement were assessed compared to the previous round as IDPs either returned to their areas of origin or moved to another location of displacement.

Out of the 2,581 locations assessed in Round 8, 106 locations present severe conditions. These locations host 6 per cent of the IDP population, or 56,250 individuals. A further 498 locations are classified as medium severity and host 27 per cent of the IDP population (255,486 individuals) and 1,977 locations show low severity conditions with 67 per cent of the IDP population (640,344 individuals).