Dibaga camp was established on 19 October 2015 to provide a safe place for Internally Displaced People
(IDPs) fleeing areas under the control of Da'esh. Most of the IDP families originate from the Makhmur district, the Ninewa Plains, the Al-Hawija District in the Kirkuk Province, and the northern sectors of the Salah Al-Din Governorate.
• Government counterparts (both GoI and KRG) should ensure clear communication to IDPs on the future of
the camp and the range of durable solutions available to them.
• Concerns of IDPs in Dibaga who indicate that they feel encouraged to return to their Areas of Origin through the perceived decrease in services, should receive clear information about what services will continue to be provided by the Government of Iraq. In particular the community is concerned about the perceived decrease in quality of education, as teachers working in the camp’s schools continue to depart.