This report presents findings on food security amongst households engaged in agriculture in Iraq. Based on additional analysis conducted on the dataset of the Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Assessment (CFSVA) in Iraq, published in December 2016, the aim of this analysis exercise was to provide additional information on factors that correlate with food security or food insecurity and vulnerability amongst households engaged in crop and livestock production to inform targeting and programming.
The CFSVA is a national household survey that WFP, in collaboration with partners such as the Central Statistics Office and UNICEF, conducts periodically as a national food security baseline to inform strategic priorities in the country. The 2016 survey covered over 20,500 household interviews with 91% were Iraqi residents and 9% were IDPs; 31% of respondents were living in rural areas while 69% lived in urban settlements. Nationally, 11% of households reported access to farmland, while 12% owned farm animals (overall, nearly 63% of households that have access to farmland also had farm animals). This is the sub-sample that this study mainly targeted for additional analysis.