Baghdad, 19 August 2022 - The 19th of August is a day that is deeply etched in the collective memory of UNAMI and the United Nations as a whole. On this day in 2003, a bombing targeted the headquarters of the UN mission in Baghdad, killing 22 of our colleagues, including Special Representative Sérgio Vieira de Mello, and injuring about 150 others.
The victims were UN staff working to support the country’s post-conflict recovery. Since 2009, the day has been designated World Humanitarian Day, which is marked annually to recognize the essential work of humanitarians worldwide.
As we in the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) remember the souls lost, the injured and the families who continue to carry the scars of that tragedy, we also recall the goal behind their ultimate sacrifice, the same goal we reaffirm today: support to the people of Iraq.
Iraq has experienced countless difficulties in recent years, with the ongoing political crisis only the most recent protracted challenge. However, none of the current disagreements are impossible to resolve, nor can be considered more important than the national interest.
The many sacrifices made to restore Iraq’s standing should not go in vain: all efforts should be mobilized towards dialogue and solutions for the greater good of the people.