This document aims to inform planning and prioritisation of needs by actors implementing humanitarian and recovery interventions in Mosul al Jadida. The liberation of the city of Mosul, which began in October 2016, was a pivotal event for Iraq. Of west Mosul’s four municipalities, Mosul al Jadida has seen the highest levels of returns since the city came back under the Government of Iraq (GoI) control. REACH conducted an Area-Based Assessment (ABA) to provide a tailored and actionable profile of the assessed area, with a focus on household level needs and access to public services, in partnership with the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster and the Returns Working Group (RWG), with assessment indicators developed in alignment with the RWG’s MultiSector Response Framework. Secondly, in order to identify Who is doing What, Where and When (4W), REACH developed a service mapping tool which resulted in a total of 250 projects identified that were used to detect gaps in programming in the municipality in relation to the needs identified by the ABA. Subsequently, on 8 August 2018, REACH and operational actors1 co-convened a coordination event in Mosul to discuss updates to partner programming in Mosul al Jadida and close neighbourhoods, and to continue the process of identifying persisting needs and gaps. This process represents a key contribution to a global programme supported by EU Humanitarian Aid, which targets cities in crisis to inform area-based response and recovery plans, and where possible, provides support to information management and coordination efforts.