For many children living without parents in Baghdad, AmeriCares' recent donation of new toys and schools supplies was something to celebrate this spring. More than 350 stuffed animals and educational tools were distributed to orphaned children by local partner LIFE Relief & Development.
The menagerie of stuffed animals were collected by Park 570, Den 3 Cub Scouts of Newtown, Connecticut, as part of AmeriCares "Cuddle Buddies" program. "Cuddle Buddies" is one example of AmeriCares youth-based community outreach activities that work to deliver new educational supplies and arts & crafts to children around the world.
Also included in this most recent AmeriCares shipment to Baghdad were 16 teaching boards given to a primary school kindergarten class and a sewing training center for women.
Continuing AmeriCares' commitment of providing medical relief, 10 patient beds and an X-ray screen were also delivered to three local health clinics. In addition, hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and clothing were dispersed at Al Rahma-an organization that shelters the homeless.
I really want to thank everyone at AmeriCares for your generous donation. We look forward to a continued partnership with your organization to help uplift the Iraqi people," said Vicki Robb, International Programs Director for LIFE for Relief and Development.
AmeriCares first partnered with LIFE Relief & Development to deliver urgently needed medical supplies in March 2003. As soon as security allowed, AmeriCares sent emergency airlifts to Kirkuk and Baghdad, both of which were first of their kind by a U.S. nongovernmental organization, after military victory was declared. Other air and land shipments followed, delivering more than $8.3 million of medicines and medical supplies.
For more information on this and other initiatives concerning children around the world, please call or email Tara Whalen at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).