- In January, WFP assisted 12,720 people with full entitlements and 15,731 with partial entitlements (8,966 woman 5,975 girls, 7,966 men and 6,544 boys).
Operational Updates
WFP Iran conducted a reassessment exercise conducted in Rafsanjan settlement from 08-10 January to review the full and partial food entitlements of the people assisted, as per one of the recommendations of the post-distribution monitoring.
In January, 96 mt of locally purchased vegetable oil was delivered to the settlements to cover three months of requirement for all refugees and girls’ take-home entitlement until the end of March.
WFP Iran has purchased 150 mt of rice internationally to cover the food requirements of 12,500 refugees for a period of three months. Incountry commodity delivery is expected in March.
In January, WFP Iran was able to provide all five food commodities (rice, lentils, wheat flour and vegetable oil) in all 19 settlements without any reductions.