In Numbers
30,150 people assisted in August 2021
297.116 MT of food assistance distributed
USD 128,617 distributed through cash-based transfers
0 USD million six-months net funding requirements (September 2021 – February 2022)
Operational Updates
In August, WFP successfully reached 30,150 refugees as per the target, of whom 8,442 were women, 8,442 men, 6,332 girls, and 6,934 boys. The assisted people received 297.116 MT of fortified wheat flour and vegetable oil.
General food distributions in refugee settlements are ongoing with increased health and safety measures due to COVID-19. Cash-based transfers are also operational.
By providing supplementary rations and maintaining monthly assistance to the refugees through a combination of cash and food, WFP is reducing the economic impact on beneficiaries caused by negative market developments, such as inflation and rising food prices.
Distribution of school snacks and cash incentive for refugee girls is suspended during the summer holidays (July- September).
Following a request received from the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS), WFP Iran procured 99.66 MT of Family Food Packages for 13,752 Iranians affected by COVID-19 for one month in Iranshahr and Zabol of Sistan & Baluchestan provinces.
Following the recent developments in Afghanistan and foreseeable refugee influx, WFP immediately procured 3,000 cans of pinto beans and 6,000 packs of biscuits from the local market and delivered them to Niatak camp in Sistan & Balouchestan province to serve the new arrivals with ready-to-eat food during their first six days. WFP also procured and will preposition 6,000 canes of pinto beans and 6,000 packs of biscuits to cover the requirements of 1,000 new potential arrivals.