The Islamic Republic of Iran is host to the largest refugee population in the world, with 3.8 million refugees and people in refugee-like situations in the country. Iran has generously provided safe haven for refugees for over four decades.
Within the framework of the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR), UNHCR supports the Government of Iran in implementing inclusive refugee policies. The SSAR also facilitates coordinated protection approaches among partners, consensus-building on protection priorities, as well as dialogue and partnerships in support of the Afghan refugee situation.
Population figures
According to the information available to UNHCR, Iran is host to some 773,000 refugees holding Amayesh (761,000 Afghans) and Hoviat cards (12,000 Iraqis) In total, UNHCR estimates that some 3.8 million forcibly displaced persons of various documentation status currently reside in Iran, including more than 2 million Afghans who were registered as part of a headcount exercise initiated by the government in 2022.
Legal identity
The Government of Iran manages registration and documentation-related processes for foreign nationals, including forcibly displaced persons. Since 2003 the Government has annually renewed refugee identification cards - Amayesh cards for Afghans and Hoviat cards for Iraqis. These cards have been providing long-staying refugees conditional freedom of movement, access to basic services and eligibility for temporary work permits for limited job categories.
In June 2023, the Government of Iran announced a new Smart Governance Scheme for Foreign Nationals to unify the documentation IDs issued to foreign nationals in Iran and facilitate the provision of services to them. This new scheme is expected to lead to the consolidation of all types of IDs issued for foreign nationals in Iran with priorities given to Amayesh and Hoviat card holders, university students, and headcounted pupils. While the access to rights and services is expected to remain linked with the previous documentation status. The Government has indicated that two million smart cards had been printed and 30,000-40,000 individuals were receiving cards on a daily basis.
Another Government initiative to utilize the small capital of foreign nationals in the production and infrastructure of the country was launched in January 2024, namely a “Financial Scheme” which enables foreign nationals to invest 1-1.5 billion Iranian Rials (USD 2,500-3,7502 ) in order to receive a six-month residence booklet and access to services, including banking services and insurance. According to the Government, participation in the scheme is voluntary; the headcount slip holders are the primary eligible group to participate in the scheme. The Government has indicated that over 75,000 individuals have registered for the Financial Scheme. This scheme has been put on hold since July 2024.