Ref. OCHA/GVA - 2002/0168
OCHA Situation Report No. 2
Iran - Flash floods
16 August 2002
1. Flash floods triggered by torrential rains in Golestan, Khorasan and Semnan provinces in north-eastern Iran have now dissipated.
2. A UN inter-agency Field Assessment Team comprising representatives of UNDP, UNICEF and WFP visited the flood affected areas of Golestan from 15 - 16 August 2002. The FAT provided the following information.
3. The death toll has risen to 39 confirmed dead. The search and rescue operation is currently underway. Most of these casualties are the passengers of a bus traveling from Mashad to Babol.
4. A total population of around 200,000 has been affected directly or indirectly of which 349 families (1773 individuals in 23 villages) are provided with food and shelter.
5. Although water supply networks of most of the affected villages are reconnected, 3,000 to 4,000 households are estimated to be suffering from lack of access to safe water. Access to sanitary facilities is problematic for more that 500 households. 541 houses will need to be reconstructed and 1,160 others will require repairs.
6. A total of 4,300 hectare of agricultural fields is heavily damaged and crop products have been completely lost. Another 8,000 uncultivated agricultural fields are damaged. Losses of livestock are reported. Irrigation facilities are also heavily damaged.
7. Ten kilometers of the main road connecting the Caspian Region to Khorasan province and 9 bridges have been destroyed. In addition, 167.5 kilometers of roads connecting rural areas including 87 bridges are also damaged.
8. The situation is not expected to deteriorate further as the rain has now stopped.
National Response
9. The affected population and local health workers are provided with supply of disinfectant. There has not been a significant change in the pattern of diseases after flood. The necessary actions have been taken by district veterinary authorities to remove dead livestock carcasses from the affected areas. The families are also provided with chlorine in order to purify drinking water and health messages are distributed widely through banners and pamphlets.
10. The Iranian Red Crescent Society provided a one-month food ration to 349 families. There are no further plans for the continuation of distribution.
11. The Government is providing water by truck and is distributing water bottles, but the entire potable water needs are not yet fulfilled.
12. The President appointed a special Delegation comprising the Minister of Interior, Minister of Road and Transportation, Deputy President and Head of Management and Planning Organization and the Spokesman of the Cabinet to investigate the causes and responsibilities for the delays in taking necessary actions after last year's flood. The Delegation is also looking for the appropriate preventative measures as well as recovery and rehabilitation of the affected area. The first meeting of the Delegation with provincial authorities took place Wednesday 14 August.
International Assistance
13. No request for international assistance has been received by OCHA to date. OCHA is in contact with the UN Resident Coordinator in Iran who works closely with the Disaster Task Force. OCHA will revert with further information, as it becomes available.
14. This situation report, together with further information on ongoing emergencies, is also available on the OCHA Internet Website at
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Desk Officers:
OCHA Response Coordination Branch
Mr. J. McGoldrick (Chief, Africa I and the Middle East), Direct Tel. +41-22-917
17 12
Ms. J. Bélanger(Desk Officer), Direct Tel. +41-22-/917 12 58
Press contact:
Ms. M. Moulin-Acevedo (OCHA/GVA), Direct Tel. +41-22-917 31 60
Mr. Brian Grogan OCHA/NY), Direct Tel. +1-212-963 11 43
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