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Wollongong looking for ways to spend tsunami aid in Indonesia

Wollongong, Indonesia-Relief -- The city council of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, believe it is not too late to help tsunami survors. The council is still looking for the best way to spend $200,000 of collected donation for Asian tsunami victims. The council has setup a working party to short-lit projects and will made contact with Indonesian government to help make final decision.
''The formation of the working party to help the victims of the tsunami is not too late. The working party will short-list projects orientated towards health, education and community welfare. Contact will also be made with Indonesian authorities to determine the priorities for re-establishing the damaged areas affected by the tsunami,'' said Alex Darling, Wollongong mayor, as quoted by ABC News.

Alex said the council has to setup the working party because it don't want make any mistakes and put money in big black hole. ''We want it to be a worthwhile project, such build homes. You can build a kit home which is acceptable for about $3,500, so $200,000 will build a lot of homes,'' Alex said. © abc/dro