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USAID IUWASH Pasar: Providing Affordable Drinking Water and Sanitation [EN/ID]



As the Government of Indonesia formulates its 2025-2029 National Medium Term Development Plan, it aims to make ambitious commitments to expand access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation. However, a staggering 88 percent of Indonesians lack access to safely managed water and almost 90 percent do not have safely managed sanitation, resulting in inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) for many of Indonesia’s poorest families. Particularly those in unplanned and crowded neighborhoods that are not connected to piped water and sanitation utilities. The United States and Indonesia are committed to expanding and strengthening the market for WASH products and services, enabling consumers underserved by public utilities to gain access to safe water and sanitation.


USAID IUWASH Pasar supports Indonesia’s commitment to achieving universal access to safely-managed drinking water and sanitation services by strengthening the capacity of WASH businesses to meet consumer demand. The program works at the national and six city/district level in East Java and South Sulawesi provinces to support the creation of a national framework for developing WASH markets.

IUWASH PASAR deploys market interventions to be scaled up by local government institutions, WASH businesses, households, and communities by:

  • Strengthening the enabling environment for the private sector in providing WASH services and products;
  • Building the skills of WASH enterprises and increasing the availability of WASH products and services; and
  • Improving consumer WASH behaviors—such as recognizing their needs for safely managed water and sanitation, evaluating alternatives, and making informed decisions on purchasing—to increase demand for WASH products and services.

As women and marginalized groups often struggle the most from lack of access to WASH, USAID IUWASH Pasar also works to increase their participation and amplify their voices in their communities, local governments, and relevant technical government ministries. IUWASH Pasar works in six cities and districts, including Probolinggo District, Probolinggo City, and Blitar District in East Java; and Wajo District, Parepare City, and Sidenreng Rappang District in South Sulawesi.


USAID IUWASH Pasar aims to strengthen the capacity of private sector WASH service providers to better meet consumer demand for drinking water and sanitation services. In its first year of implementation, USAID IUWASH Pasar has:

  • Strengthened collaborative forums to enhance coordination among the Government of Indonesia, local governments, and the private sector;
  • Trained people, enterprises, and business development services in effective sales and marketing techniques to increase demand for critical WASH products, targeting 78,000 households or approximately 312,000 people;
  • Reached 5,000 people through social and behavior change campaigns promoting safely managed WASH; and
  • Facilitated the first 100 sales out of 10,000 safely managed WASH products and services produced by local enterprises.


Trigeany Linggoatmodjo, USAID

Anna Juliastuti, USAID IUWASH Pasar