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Update on Mount Agung Activities 8 Dec 2017 (00.00-06.00 LC)

Friday, 8 December 2017 ​​​​ Activity Level: AWAS (Level IV)

Visual Observation :

The summit can be seen clearly due to fog. A 500-1,500 thin greyish and mid pressure colomn of steam can be observed from the northern, north-eastern, southern, and south-western slopes. Rays of fire can be seen from Batulompeh CCTV. Effusive eruption slowly occured.


​Eksplosive earthquake eruption : nil.
Non harmonic tremor: cloud of thin white ashes occurred in 6 hours (with 1-2 mm amplitude, dominant 1 mm). ​
​Harmonic tremor: nil.
Earthquake blow: 8 time​.
Low frequency earthquake: 6 times.
Shallow Volcanic: nil.​
Deep Volcanic: nil.​​
Local tectonics: nil​.


Dangerous area, no activity:

  • ​Within a radius of 8 km from the summit
  • In the South-western, Southern, South-eastern, North-eastern, and Northern sectoral as far as 10 km from the summit.​

Further information:

Please contact call center : +62 361 234099 or +62 813 5396 5324.

The information on the latest condition of Mount Agung can be accessed through:

Updates are also submitted via twitter account @BNPB_Indonesia

National Support Post can be sent to the e-mail address:

Disaster Prone Areas (KRB) of Mount Agung can be accessed through:

Please contact call center: +62 361 234099 or +62 813 5396 5324.

For other information please contact KASBANI KA PVMBG (Monitoring/Observation of Mount Agung)