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UNICEF Indonesia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 (23 October 2018)



  • Following the powerful 7.4 Richter scale earthquake that struck the north-western part of Sulawesi, Indonesia on 28 September with resulting tsunami, liquefaction and landslides, over 2,105 people are known to have died and over 4,600 seriously injured as of 16 October.
  • Palu is the district with the highest fatalities estimated at over 1,700 deaths. Search and rescue operations were stopped on 12 October.
    According to the national disaster management agency (BNPB) about 680 people are still missing. This number could be higher considering that large numbers of people are expected to be buried in liquefaction areas.
  • According to preliminary data from IOM (DTM, 22/10) about 212,000 people are estimated to be displaced and over 68,000 homes are either severely damaged or destroyed.
  • The Government of Indonesia, which is leading the response, has extended the emergency response period to 26 October. After that the response will transition to early recovery. As per BNBP assessment, the damages are estimated at IDR 13.8 trillion or approximately $ 882 million.
  • UNICEF was the first UN agency to transport essential emergency supplies through an airbridge from Balikpapan to Palu. The freight of a total of 94 Metric Tons included 200 tents and 200 School-in-a-Box kits to establish temporary classrooms that were procured for the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Ninety-eight separated, unaccompanied and missing children have been registered to date.
  • In Lombok, UNICEF deployed three staff to support the Ministry of Health in responding to malaria outbreak after the earthquake and a team of Child Protection and Education in Emergencies specialists to assist the Government and NGO partners with psychosocial support integrated with the temporary learning spaces.