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UNICEF Indonesia COVID-19 Response Situation Report, May 7, 2020



UNICEF support the Government of Indonesia’s COVID-19 response to identify and mitigate the risks for children. Critical focus areas include:

  • Risk Communication : UNICEF facilitated development and maintenance of the national website ( The is the primary source of credible information, receiving 15.9 million visitors from March 17-April 30, with 48 million page views.

  • Cross-sectoral guidance for children: In partnership with multiple ministries, UNICEF synthesized concise guidance on addressing the needs of children during COVID-19.

  • Health: Guidelines on the continuation of essential maternal newborn and child health services have been finalized and with capacity-building dissemination workshops conducted across all 34 provinces, reaching 514 districts in Indonesia

  • Nutrition: Guidance on maintenance of nutrition services have been finalized and disseminated to all 260 stunting priority districts across 34 provinces. All nutrition IEC materials have been disseminated nationwide, reaching ~ 700,000 people.

  • WASH: UNICEF supported guidance disinfection are being rolled out with MoH in conjunction with disinfection supplies reaching over 64975 beneficiaries in this reporting period. Handwashing Behaviour Change Coalition (DFID/UNILEVER) initiated with delivery of 750,000 soap bars for distribution to over 1,500,000 beneficiaries.

  • Education: UNICEF has supported the Ministry of Education & Culture in developing ‘safe-school guidance’; and a range of remote learning options both on-line as well as through TV, Radio and Print materials.

  • Child Protection: UNICEF supported the Ministry of Social Affairs in developing psychosocial support materials. Alternative care arrangements have been made for over 180,000 children.

  • Social Protection: UNICEF supported the introduction of social safety net measures including universal child grants, unemployment protection and staple food subsidies.

  • Social Science Research: Rapid health and education assessments were conducted to assess health and learning effects. A Google/Facebook partnership facilitates ongoing real-time analysis of physical distancing.