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Indonesia + 2 more

Tsunami Emergency and Recovery Revised Plan of Action and Budget 2005-2012


In Brief

Emergency and Recovery Plan and Budget (Appeal No. 28/2004)

Period covered: December 2004 to December 2012

Appeal coverage: 100% (July 2010)

Operational summary: Six and a half years after the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunamis on 26 December 2004, which devastated countries around the Indian Ocean, recovery programmes undertaken by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and its member national societies continue. The tsunami disaster has brought about the largest emergency and recovery operations undertaken by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement outside post World War 2 reconstruction. Over CHF 3.1 billion was raised within the Movement by more than 100 national societies around the world. The focus of assistance continues to be in the three most affected countries: Indonesia, the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

CHF650.5 million has been spent directly by the IFRC Secretariat in the sectors of emergency relief, health, water and sanitation, construction, livelihoods, disaster management and organizational development between 2004-2010, under the Emergency and Recovery Plan of Action. The plan and budget for IFRC multilateral operations for the eight-year period, 2005-2012, has been revised to take into account work already completed and recovery programmes currently underway. The total budget for the eight-year period is now CHF670.7 million. While many programmes have been completed some programmes, in the most affected countries, will continue through into 2012.

Standard national plans and budgets (appeals) for 2011-2012 were issued to provide support to core programmes, capacity building and emergency response activities of Sri Lanka Red Cross Society, Indonesian Red Cross and the new Maldivian Red Crescent, which was established under the Maldivian Red Crescent Law in May 2009.