There is a need to return the remaining
East Timorese displaced in West Timor and elsewhere in Indonesia to their
communities of origin in order for rehabilitation, reconstruction and development
to begin. The safe and orderly return transportation of displaced persons
is the responsibility of IOM by agreement and in close co-operation with
Today, IOM repatriated by air a total of 97 East Timorese. There were no land convoys today, but a large convoy is being organised to take place tomorrow 22 December, the last movement before the holiday period begins. One IOM organised flight with four East Timorese returnees on board arrived from Darwin. The four returnees had originally arrived in Darwin from Manila. One IOM organised flight from Kupang with 93 East Timorese returnees on board arrived in Dili. IOM Dili provided secondary transport for 46 East Timorese returnees from Dili to Aileu.
As of 21 December, IOM has organized the return by land, sea and air of 71,318 East Timorese from West Timor, from other parts of Indonesia and from Australia. So far, close to 130,000 people have returned in an organized or in a spontaneous way to East Timor.
Total returns by land
To date, IOM has returned 29,881 East Timorese by land from West Timor.
Total returns by sea
To date, IOM has returned 29,309 East Timorese by sea from West Timor and from other parts of Indonesia
Total returns by air
To date, IOM has returned 7,447 East Timorese from Kupang to Dili and 3,912 from other parts of Indonesia.
A total of 771 East Timorese have so far been returned by IOM from Australia.
IOM has made an appeal to the international community for US$25,565,000 for its Timor activities. This includes US$23,250,000 for the return assistance of displaced people to East Timor. So far a total of US$6,678,525 have been pledged by Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Germany, the Netherlands and ECHO. IOM currently faces a shortfall of US$18,886,481.
Copyrights =AE 1999 International Organization for Migration. All rights reserved.
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