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Thousands flee flooded houses in Riau after heavy rain

Rizal Harahap

Thousands of people in Rokan Hilir regency in Riau had to flee their houses after the Bangko River overflowed following heavy rains.

Rokan Hilir Police chief, Adj. Comr. Sigit Adiwuryanto, said the flood inundated three villages in Pekaitan district in the regency: Karya Mulyo Sari, Rokan Baru and Pesisir.

"In total, 2,500 people were affected by the flood. More than half of them are form Rokan Baru village. They took shelter in tents or the homes of relatives," he added on Sunday.

The flood began on Thursday and so far no deaths have been reported, Sigit said.

He added that relief aid, including instant noodles, eggs, biscuits, drinking water, coffee, tea, condensed milk and sugar, had been distributed to the displaced residents.

Sigit also ordered his officers to guard the unoccupied houses. (evi)