In March 2020, the International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) launched the “Central Sulawesi Earthquake WASH Recovery Program (Indonesia).” This project marks the continued support of Taiwan to the earthquake affected population in 2018 in Central Sulawesi. The project will help the target population to gain access to clean water and sanitary facilities and reduce open defecation practices, so that they can rebuild their lives and livelihoods as soon as possible.
On September 28, 2018, a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck Central Sulawesi. In February 2019, the TaiwanICDF and Mercy Corps commenced their first cooperative project in Sigi District, one of the worst affected districts after the disastrous earthquakes. The “Central Sulawesi Earthquake WASH Support Program” has helped 1,691 HHs meet their needs of clean water and sanitation facilities. Dahlia, an elder from Bangga Village said, ”After the earthquake, my family could only get 10 to 15 liters of water a day, which was only enough for cooking. However, after the project completed the new water system, we now have sufficient water for latrine, shower and laundry.” Another elder Siti at the same village said, “Because of the new water system and ceramic water filter provided by the project, I don’t need to walk far away from home to get water but still have enough clean water for my family’s daily use. Instead, now I have more time to make more banana chips to sell at my stall to support my family."
To date, the situation in some areas in Sigi is still difficult because many communities still do not have access to clean water sources and open defecation has led to serious sanitation problem. Therefore, the TaiwanICDF and Mercy Corps continued to their cooperation through implementing the “Central Sulawesi Earthquake WASH Recovery Program.” The project will last nine and half months and cover 10 villages in four sub-districts in Sigi. At least 1,000 earthquake-affected households will directly benefit from the project.
The TaiwanICDF will dispatch a volunteer to assist in the project implementation in hope of strengthening Taiwan’s participation and sharing Taiwan’s experiences. In addition to demonstrating the image of Taiwan as a humanitarian assistance provider, the people-centered “New Southbound spirit” will be realized to further deepen friendship between the two countries.