Sita Pratitha
YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) conducted training titled “Anticipatory Action and Climate Action Training to Build Women-Led Resilience” in a hybrid format over five days (November 18–22, 2024). The offline training was held at the Disaster Oasis Training Centre (DIOS) in Sleman, while online participation took place by Zoom. The training was attended by YEU’s four local partners: Center for child study and Protection, Kinasih Women Solidarity, Flores Children Development (FREN) Foundation, and Walang Perempuan Foundation.
This training is part of a YEU program supported by the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH). It aims to enhance understanding and capacity for innovative, women-led anticipatory actions in disaster risk reduction. During the training, participants explored disaster management cycles, the three building blocks of anticipatory action, and the importance of feminist approaches in addressing the impacts of climate change.
The training materials were delivered by facilitators from YEU and Yayasan SHEEP Indonesia, who are also members of the Working Group on Anticipatory Actions (POKJA AA) in Indonesia. Participants actively contributed by sharing their experiences. For instance, PKPA presented lessons learned from its anticipatory action program in Aceh Tamiang during the session on “Introduction to the 3 Pillars of Anticipatory Action.” Meanwhile, SP Kinasih, which focuses on gender’s issues, shared insights on “Gender Transformation in Leadership for Anticipatory Disaster and Climate Crisis Actions.”
In discussions with the facilitators, Dhinar Riski (YEU) and Suparlan (SHEEP Indonesia) highlighted that this training was a pioneering effort in building the capacity of local organizations in Indonesia for anticipatory actions. They hoped that the training format could serve as a model for similar initiatives in the future.
The training concluded with the development of early action protocol plans by each local partner, which will be further refined in collaboration with women’s groups in their target village.