The Federation’s vision is to strive, through voluntary action, for a world of empowered communities, better able to address human suffering and crises with hope, respect for dignity and a concern for equity. Its mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world’s largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 185 countries.
In Brief
Programme Update no. 02; Appeal target for 2006-2007: CHF 9,173,586 (EUR 5,745,417 or USD 7,552,664); revised from CHF 8,091,217 (EUR 5,067,529 or USD 6,661,232).
Appeal coverage for 2006-2007: 41.9%;
Outstanding needs: CHF 5,333,272 (USD 4,391,788 or EUR 3,340,309).
Related Emergency or Annual Appeals: Cambodia Appeal 2006-2007 (MAKH001); Timor- Leste Appeal 206-2007 (MAATL001); Viet Nam Appeal 2006-2006 (MAAVN001); Earthquake and Tsunami Appeal (28/2004); Typhoons Xangsane Appeal – Philippines (MDRPH001) and Vietnam (MDRVN001)
Programme summary:
The revision of plans and budgets of the regional programme is based around two main elements. First, the region’s national societies have fine-tuned their priorities to better address vulnerabilities in-country. This re-orientation is a result of vulnerability and capacity assessments, including the findings of a major independent review of national society programmes throughout Southeast Asia. The national societies better understand the changing nature of needs in their country as well as the competencies they need to strengthen to play a more effective humanitarian role. The second element of this revision is scaling-up the implementation of the Federation’s Global Agenda (see below) throughout Southeast Asia. This appeal document profiles the multilateral support to the regional programme of several committed partners as well as the efforts of partner national societies working bilaterally.
Operational developments
Regional context
Southeast Asia, comprising 11 countries, remains a region of exciting opportunity and progress although significant challenges around vulnerability remain. The region’s national societies continue to impress in many instances, with their reach and impact. Strengthened capacity in some areas, of course, is still needed and this appeal, along with other ways of partner support, seeks to help the national societies increase their effectiveness. Disasters continue to be a regular feature; some of the major ones have seen widespread death and destruction in Indonesia (Yogyakarta earthquake), Timor-Leste (storms and floods); Philippines (S.Leyte landslides and typhoon Milenyo/Xangsane); and Vietnam (Typhoon Xangsane). There was also political instability, including violence and a change of prime minister in Timor-Leste, and a bloodless coup in Thailand. The potential for an avian influenza pandemic remains and the struggle to contain the spread of HIV/AIDS are two of the main contextual factors that affected 2006 and influenced thinking for 2007. A fuller regional context can be found on the original appeal. <click here for the Avian Influenza Global Appeal Red Cross Red Crescent societies in Southeast Asia remain uniquely positioned in their respective countries, through their extensive national networks and huge volunteer base, to play a vital auxiliary role with their governments in addressing humanitarian challenges, in line with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Federation Secretariat support
The Federation supports Southeast Asian national societies to deliver effective services to vulnerable communities in the region by mobilizing the power of humanity from local community, institutions, donors and partner national societies.
For further information specifically related to this operation please contact:
Federation Southeast Asia regional delegation in Thailand: Bekele Geleta (head of regional delegation); email:; phone: +66.2.661.8201; fax: +66.2.661.9322
Federation Secretariat in Geneva (Asia Pacific department): Gert Venghaus (regional officer); email: South East Asia: 2007 Outlook; Appeal no. MAA51001; Programme Update no. 2 9; phone: +41.22.730.4258; fax: fax: +41.22.733.0395; or Sabine Feuglet (senior assistant); email:; Phone: +41.22.730. 4349; Fax: +41.22.733.0395