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Safeguarding and Whistleblowing Training: Increasing Awareness of Local Innovators IDEACTION 2.0 in the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults

Yogyakarta, 27 June 2024 – YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) has carried out Safeguarding and Whistleblowing (Reporting Suspicion of Violations) training for IDEAKSI 2.0 innovators which was held in Yogyakarta. This event aims to increase understanding, awareness and ability of local innovators to apply the principles of protecting children and vulnerable adults in every humanitarian activity they carry out.

Background and Training Objectives

YEU, as a work unit of the Christian Foundation for Public Health which focuses on emergency response and disaster risk reduction, recognizes the importance of protection for children and vulnerable adults. With support from Elrha, Start Network, and ADRRN (Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network) Tokyo Innovation Hub, YEU has involved a team of local innovators through the IDEAKSI 2.0 program since July 2023, which is a program to produce innovative solutions in disaster management, by emphasizing accessibility, accountability, and involvement of vulnerable groups.

This Safeguarding and Whistleblowing training was held to ensure that the innovator team has a deep understanding of YEU protection policies and is able to apply these principles in every innovation activity. The main objectives of this training are:

1. Increase innovators' understanding and awareness of the principles of protecting children and vulnerable adults.

2. Respect the views, participation and decisions that affect the lives of children and vulnerable adults.

3. Prevent all forms of actions that conflict with these protection principles in implementing the IDEAKSI program.

Series of Training Events

This training started at 09.00 WIB with an opening and presentation of objectives by the YEU team. Followed by a pre-test to measure the participants' initial knowledge. Next, the facilitator presented material on the protection of children and vulnerable adults, including preventing exploitation, abuse and neglect.

Participants were also given an understanding of the importance of a work culture that is safe and free from violence. Discussion and questions and answers are an important part of this session, providing an opportunity for participants to dig deeper into the topics discussed.

After the afternoon break, the session continued with the implementation of safeguarding focal points and reporting mechanisms and case management if violations occur. The event ends with an evaluation, post-test, and follow-up plan to ensure the application of the knowledge that has been gained.

Participants and Expected Results

This training was attended by 30 innovators from various groups: KWT Melati, KWT Wanita Karya, Ngudi Makmur Farmers Group, Purwosari Millennial Farmers, GKJ Kemadang Lumbung Pangan Artha Mandiri, PPDMS, Karang Taruna Prima Gadung, Bonhargo, FPRB Murtigading, Pita Merah Jogja, Theater Inclusion, Gempita, SHG Luhur Jiwa, KSB Merapi Rescue Umbulharjo, and SHG Unggul Jiwa. Each group is represented by two participants who have diverse backgrounds, including women, men, the elderly and people with disabilities. Also attended by 3 YEU staff as refreshment in understanding and implementing YAKKUM values.

The results of this training were an increase in the knowledge of a total of 33 participants as measured through pre-test and post-test, namely 77.42%; establishment of a safeguarding reporting mechanism between YEU, innovators and community beneficiaries of innovation.

YEU Commitment

YAKKUM Emergency Unit is committed to continuing to support local innovators in implementing the principles of protecting children and vulnerable adults. Through this training, innovators can be more responsible and proactive in creating a safe and inclusive environment for all parties. With this, YEU hopes that this training activity can have a positive impact on innovators and of course improve disaster preparedness and response better.

Author: Desy Putri Ratnasari (Secretariat, Information and Communication of CLIP Project - IDEAKSI)