As of 18 August, the Government of Indonesia has announced 141,370 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across all provinces of the country, with 6,207 deaths. The Government has also announced that 94,458 people have recovered from the illness.
Currently, the percentage of total deaths against total confirmed cases is 4.39 percent. The following figure shows a declining trend of the percentages of daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths against the confirmed cases, since mid-April 2020:
On August 4, the President of Indonesia has enacted Presidential Instruction Number 6 of 2020 concerning Enhancing Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols in Prevention and Control of COVID-19. The regulation aims to ensure legal basis, the strengthening efforts and increase of the effectiveness of the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Indonesia. In addition to instructions to the Ministries and Government Agencies, the President has requested the heads of regional governments to conduct an ample socialization of the health protocols, and impose sanctions for those who do not comply with them.
As of 6 August, the Minister of Finance explained that the implementation of funds for the COVID-19 pandemic response was IDR. 151.25 trillion (21.75 percent of the total allocation of IDR. 695.2 trillion). The main source of implementation was the area of protection or social assistance, which amounted to IDR. 86.5 trillion (48.8 percent of the allocated IDR 203.91 trillion), implemented through the Family Hopeful Program (PKH), Basic Food Cards, Food Assistance in Jakarta and greater areas, Cash Assistance outside Jakarta and greater areas, Pre-Employment Card Program, electricity subsidies, and Direct Cash Assistance of the Village Fund.
It is interesting to note that, as of 14 August, PT Angkasa Pura II recorded 524 flights at Soekarno-Hatta airport (or 43.6 percent of 1,200 flights - its daily capacity), for a total of 45,745 passengers. These are the highest numbers of flights and daily passengers since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In comparison, there was a daily average of 100 flights during May, and of 300 flights during July.
The Indonesian Government continues to provide assistance to people affected by COVID-19 through various schemes.
The Minister of Manpower announced that assistance for private company workers and non-civil servant government employees whose monthly income is below IDR. 5 million and are registered as active participants of BPJS (social security for workers) will begin on 25 August. The assistance provided, of IDR. 600,000 for four months, will be disbursed every two months. A total of 12 million workers as targeted beneficiaries has been confirmed through BPJS data. The assistance scheme has a total budget of IDR. 37 trillion.
Situation Update Response to COVID-19 in Indonesia As of 18 August 2020 OCHA in Indonesia | 2 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs The Ministry of Religious Affairs has recorded 21,173 pesantren (Islamic schools) that will receive assistance (2,235 large Islamic boarding schools, with more than 1,500 students will receive IDR. 50 million, 4,032 medium-sized pesantren will receive IDR. 40 million and 14,906 small pesantren will receive IDR. 25 million). In addition, 62,153 Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah and 112,008 Al Qur'an Education Institutions (LPQ) will each receive IDR. 10 million. The recipient agencies will receive a Notification Letter from the Ministry and should submit proof of their Operational Permit, tax identity number and Institutional Profile as requirements for disbursement through the Provincial Religious Affairs Offices. The Ministry of Finance has allocated IDR. 2.59 trillion for this assistance scheme, in the form of Educational Operational Assistance (BOP) worth IDR 2.38 trillion and online learning assistance of IDR 211.73 billion.
DKI Jakarta has extended the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) period as a transition measure towards the Adaptation to New Behaviour phase, expected to start on 27 August. The decision to extend PSBB was made taking into account various considerations, including the recent COVID-19 positivity rate, which has increased to 8.7 percent of positives among those tested. The Governor of DKI Jakarta has also decided to temporarily suspend social activities that involve crowds, including Car Free Day on Sundays.
The Covid-19 Collaboration and Coordination Meeting on the COVID-19 Response took place on 4 August, chaired by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), and attended by the Presidential Staff Office, BNPB, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry Home Affairs, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, BASARNAS and POLRI, as well as the National Cluster partners. At the meeting, it was reported that the total funds managed by non-government institutions as of 31 July is more than US $ 200 million. The main agreements and decisions include:
Kemenko PMK will encourage ministries / agencies to follow up on the recommendations from the clusters / subclusters / working groups, HFI, DRR Forum DI Yogyakarta and NTT, and SEJAJAR.
A weekly multi-stakeholder collaboration report will be disseminated by Kemenko PMK to the ministries / agencies that are coordinators / deputy coordinators of the National Clusters, for policy inputs and necessary actions.
Regular Health Cluster coordination meetings are to be held, with the participation of all relevant ministries / agencies.
Kemenko PMK will encourage ministerial / institutional discussions with SOPS POLRI to formulate a security strategy for the regional elections.
Formation of a small team to prepare a policy brief which will serve as input to the Committee for the COVID-19 Response and National Economic Recovery.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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