This report covers the period of 1 May through 30 September 2009, but reports cumulative totals from December 2004 onwards.
In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society groups to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.
About this report:
This is the seventh International Federation-wide tsunami progress report, with the first report published in December 2006, second in June 2007, third in December 2007, fourth in July 2008, fifth in December 2008 and the sixth in June 2009.
While this report does offer an opportunity to gauge the progress over the six-month period of April 2009 to September 2009, it presents what is best defined a cumulative picture; therefore there should be some caution in drawing conclusions from comparisons between the reports. The data presented in each progress report is reflective of the number of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies reporting into it. This figure has changed for each report.
Methodologies used to gather information also continue to be refined as called for due to the changing conditions in the countries being reported on. In addition, updated population data becomes available and data collection methodologies are then updated and adapted to the different contexts. These and other factors have resulted in the definitions of some indicators changing, leading to changes in figures reported. For explanations of the methodology and definitions used for this report, please refer to Annexes 1 and 2.
Finally, the current report looks at achievements in all eight countries affected by the tsunami - but the indicator data is biased towards the three worst-affected countries ( Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives) and groups together data from the other countries (Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Seychelles and Somalia).