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Nutrition of School-Aged Children: Effects of COVID-19 and Opportunities for Enhancing the Nutrition Focus under UKS/M in Indonesia (December 2022)


WFP Indonesia conducted a study to identify factors that have had a positive and/or negative impact on the consumption of healthy diets by girls and boys ages 6–12 enrolled in school during the COVID-19 period of school closures and hybrid learning.

With support from Cargill, the World Food Programme (WFP) contracted the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition (SEAMEO RECFON) to conduct a study on the effects of COVID-19 on the nutrition of school-aged children and the opportunity for enhancing the nutrition focus under the school health programmes (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah/Madrasah, or UKS/M) in Indonesia.

The study aims to: 1) assess the effects of school closures on food consumption patterns, knowledge and practices of school-aged children in Indonesia; 2) identify existing policies and programmes that ensure good dietary practices of school-aged children, as schools started to reopen for face-to face learning; 3) explore the relevance and effectiveness of existing nutrition education interventions for protecting and promoting healthy diets among primary school-aged children in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; and 4) recommend strategic options and pathways of change that will be catalytic to improved, adaptive UKS/M nutrition education modalities within the context of COVID-19 and other disasters.

The study led to recommendations to strengthen the mainstreaming of nutrition education into the UKS/M programme.