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Java Reconstruction Fund Progress Report 2011 - Building on Success: Effectively Responding to Multiple Disasters


Building on Success: JRF Effectively Respond to Multiple Disasters in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Yogyakarta, 25 October 2011 – The Java Reconstruction Fund (JRF), a multi-donor grant facility, is an excellent example of Government of Indonesia’s success in managing post disaster reconstruction. In its Annual Progress Report, entitled "Building on Success: Effectively Responding to Multiple Disasters," the JRF highlighted its achievements in effectively addressing the need to restore communities and livelihoods in various post disaster contexts (i.e. earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruptions). Its approach to reconstruction has had huge multiplier effects with lessons for future disasters and recovery efforts for Indonesia and the rest of the world.

Last year’s Merapi eruptions presented an urgent need to which the JRF was well positioned to respond. According to the Deputy Minister of Bappenas, Dr. Max Pohan, “Because of JRF’s existing program, it was a ready mechanism to provide support to Government of Indonesia for post disaster reconstruction after the Merapi eruptions. Our priority at the time was immediate recovery of housing and infrastructure.” In response to the Government’s request, the JRF through the decision of its Steering Committee provided an additional grant amounting to US$3.5 million to its housing and community recovery project, Rekompak.

In the past year, the JRF has shown strong results, reaching housing, infrastructure and livelihoods targets on time and with high quality. The Annual JRF Progress Report presented that Rekompak have completed the reconstruction of 15,000 of permanent houses, hundreds of critical community infrastructure, and over 265 community settlement planning.

According to George Soraya, the World Bank Task Team Leader for Rekompak, “The additional grant enables us to scale up our activities and respond to the needs of Merapi-affected communities.” Rekompak’s contributions include reconstruction of permanent houses and community infrastructure as well as the development of community settlement planning in 88 villages. Forty five of these villages previously already received assistance from Rekompak. By June 2012, Rekompak is expected to have completed 250 earthquake resistant permanent houses under the JRF funding.

The two livelihood projects which recently closed, have also achieved impressive results. Since the 2006 earthquake, the JRF has been a key instrument in restoring livelihoods. It is reported that more than 15,000 Micro Small Medium Enterprises in 42 villages around Yogyakarta and Central Java received support from these two projects.

The livelihood programs not only successfully rebuilt businesses affected by the 2006 earthquake, but has also enhanced the recovery of livelihoods by promoting the growth of new micro and small enterprises, particularly among women. Support provided through these projects included access to loans, asset replacement and technical assistance in the field of business development and marketing.

“We are pleased that the communities find our support to be helpful in recovering from the multiple disasters that have affected Java since 2006. The impacts of JRF’s efforts on disaster preparedness were very much evident during the Merapi eruptions. We hope that our contributions and impacts will continue to bring benefits to the communities. ” said JRF Manager, Shamima Khan. The JRF will continue to provide support for the reconstruction of Java until the end of its mandate in December 2012.

About the JRF
The JRF is coordinated by the Government of Indonesia through Bappenas, to support the recovery efforts of Central Java, Yogyakarta and West Java after the 2006 earthquake and tsunami. The overall grant funds from seven donors pooled through the JRF is amounting to US$94.1 million. The World Bank serves as the trustee and the donors include the European Union, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the Asian Development Bank, Canada, Denmark and Finland

For Further Information & Queries please contact Puni Ayu A. Indrayanto, JRF Communications and External Relations Officer at 021 5299 3437, 0818877016 or