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IOM press briefing notes 10 Jan 2003: Indonesia

Spokesperson: Christopher Lom

INDONESIA - River Boat Service Will Help Madurese IDPs - IOM has launched a river boat service on the Kapuas river south of Pontianak in West Kalimantan to provide improved access to a relocation site for displaced Madurese migrants.=A0=A0

The Kapuas Bersatu river boat, which can carry up to 50 passengers and cargo, will provide a cheap and efficient transport link for some 300 displaced Madurese families who have lived in the remote Sumber Bahagia relocation site since ethnic violence erupted the region in 1998.

The provincial government of West Kalimantan will monitor the scheme, which will be run on a day-to-day basis by a community-based cooperative.

The river boat scheme is part of a wider attempt to create income generating activities for the impoverished Madurese and their neighbours. IOM has also launched an IDR 300 million (US$ 34,000) micro credit scheme in the area.