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Indonesia + 2 more

Indonesia/Sri Lanka/India: In the first three years

Financial Accountability

The anticipated overall spending through fiscal year 2009 to provide emergency and long-term reconstruction assistance in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India is $205 million. This level of response is possible largely because of the unprecedented support of the American public. Catholic Relief Services expects to spend more than $176 million in private revenues to help survivors. To meet our long-term commitment to help communities rebuild, CRS has also been awarded approximately $29 million from the U.S. government and other institutional donors.

The agency takes seriously its responsibility to be open and transparent in our stewardship of the resources entrusted to us. This section highlights overall plans for each of the three countries and how much CRS has spent so far to help families and communities rebuild their homes, resume their trades and gain new job skills; reconstruct schools, clinics and important community infrastructure; invigorate local economies; and strengthen the ability of communities to become more self-sufficient.

Download the unaudited financial summary report through September 30, 2007. If unable to automatically download report, please install the Acrobat reader: Get Adobe Acrobat.

Please note that all financial plans and reports will be updated on a quarterly basis.

Progress in the First 36 Months

$203,643,000 total revenues as of September 30, 2007

CRS has so far spent $154,065,000, largely through the provision of homes and infrastructure projects such as schools, hospitals, bridges and roads; and emergency assistance such as food, shelter, medical help, and clean water and sanitation. This amount includes $8.3 million in support services expenditures.


Working with a planned budget of $124 million through fiscal year 2009, CRS' Aceh program was able to respond to the overwhelming, immediate need while laying the groundwork for reconstruction in the area. The province was hit worst by the tsunami - with over 160,000 killed or missing and an estimated 500,000 without a home. Just three months later, another major earthquake hit the island of Nias, killing an additional 2,000 people and leaving 30,000 homeless. Our relief work fed nearly 200,000 survivors and provided shelter and other basic necessities for thousands of people.

Over the last 36 months, the CRS Aceh program:

- Provided more than $10 million in emergency relief and supplies to nearly 300,000 people in the weeks immediately after the tsunami and throughout 2005. Supplies included food aid (canned fish, rice, oil, biscuits and noodles) as well as nonfood items, including hygiene kits, tents, mattresses and insecticide-treated bed nets.

- Completed construction of 3,149 permanent homes, with another 539 currently under construction, eventually providing housing for an estimated 20,000 people.

- Provided 2,162 temporary shelters for survivors as they await construction of their permanent homes.

- Completed the construction of the first of four buildings that will comprise the Banda Aceh Women and Children's Hospital. When complete, the state-of-the-art complex will include space for an intensive care unit, radiology, surgery, and a 50-bed overnight care facility.

- Rehabilitated and, in many cases, rebuilt 210 community infrastructure projects, including piers, markets, bridges, schools and clinics.

- Constructed 13 markets as part of the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance's Aceh Market Revitalization project. The fruit, vegetable and fish markets support vendors in the Meulaboh area, and help keep the market economy in motion.

- Trained community health workers in 273 villages who will provide direct health services to 19,000 mothers and children, and serve 190,000 beneficiaries indirectly.

- Tested the water quality of 2,877 water sources through the CRS-built Water Quality testing laboratory.

- Provided a permanent, clean water source and sanitation system for more than 12,000 people through the development of shallow wells, gravity-fed water systems, and village water and sanitation plans, and the training of community members on maintaining the water systems. Ongoing projects will provide a permanent, clean water source for an additional 12,000 people.

- Completed temporary road repairs over a stretch of more than nine miles in Calang, including the construction of a 36-yard Bailey bridge and the restoration of two others. The road connects Calang to Lamno, a major thruway on the west coast of Aceh.

- Assisted 500 traders, including poultry farmers, fish traders and gold thread embroidery artisans, with grants and training to rebuild their businesses.

- Provided cash grants and organizational and financial management training to 163 joinery workshops that organized into five cooperatives.

- Supported a local group of artists with materials to create artwork for an exhibition (the first at the Banda Aceh Museum since the disaster), and with organizational training for their group's development and programming. The group, Kanvas Association, works with survivors of the tsunami and uses art for self-expression and healing.

- Provided one-time grants and capacity-building trainings to 34 local humanitarian organizations. Trainings focused on fundraising, proposal writing, strategic planning and networking.

Indonesia 5-Year Tsunami Spending (in USD Millions)


CRS has committed resources of almost $37 million through fiscal year 2009. Our long-term objectives for India are to restore daily living for those affected, help communities prepare for the possibility of future disaster, and provide information and tools communities need to protect their most vulnerable, children, women and people living with HIV and AIDS. Catholic Relief Services is committed to aiding the people and communities still struggling from the worst natural disaster to hit India in centuries.

The CRS tsunami program in India is perhaps the best illustration of our work with partners and our investment in disaster response and mitigation. To date, 42,500 tsunami-affected families have had their homes and livelihoods restored or mental health needs addressed; 1,000 communities (300,000 people) are protecting their women, children and other vulnerable members from trafficking, unsafe migration, child labor and HIV; and 800 disaster-prone communities (280,000 people) are prepared to respond to natural hazards. Confirmed deaths from the tsunami stand at 15,000, with roughly 650,000 left homeless.

Over the past three years, CRS and our partners in India:

- Supplied food and medical care to 350,000 and 250,000 people respectively in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami.

- Provided 146,572 people with access to clean water and improved water systems.

- Built 1,852 temporary homes designed to house 15,000 survivors until their permanent homes are completed .

- In collaboration with Caritas India, resettled more than 6,000 people in 1,500 permanent houses, with hundreds more under construction .

- Engaged 57,000 traumatized children in summer camps and programs on health, hygiene, child rights and protection in the face of future disasters.

- Collaborated with and provided training to 30 local partners on protecting the rights of orphans and vulnerable children.

- Distributed boats, nets and other tools to more than 31,755 families and individuals to help them restart their fishing, agriculture and other trades .

- Offered vocational training for 7,058 people, giving them opportunities to learn new job skills or improve existing ones.

- Improved women's access to jobs, health care and education through the formation of 1,845 new self-help groups.

- Protected 156,000 children from exploitation by organizing group activities and providing school and recreational supplies .

- Repaired or built 68 planned children's facilities.

- Assisted 81 communities in providing community-based home care and preventing the spread of HIV.

India 5-Year Tsunami Spending (in USD Millions)

Sri Lanka

Working through our local Caritas partner, CRS is responding to the tremendous needs in Sri Lanka with a projected $30 million relief and reconstruction program. In Sri Lanka's eastern and southern coastal regions, the tsunami left more than 36,000 dead or missing and 550,000 without homes. More than 276,000 jobs were lost. CRS and Caritas are working with those who would otherwise fall through the cracks - renters, shanty dwellers and families who lost their homes during the war. CRS is also actually providing assistance to the people internally displaced by the conflict. Through local partners, we are providing food and other essentials, shelter, education, and psychosocial support.

Over the past three years, CRS Sri Lanka and our partners have:

- Constructed 6,000 temporary shelters that are providing shelter to 93,000 tsunami- and war-affected people.

- Completed the construction of 4,813 permanent homes, with 578 more under construction.

- Distributed approximately 19,000 basic household items and sanitation kits, far exceeding our initial goal of about 7,500.

- Provided fishing nets, boats, engines and other assets to 8,643 families to help them restart their trades and jobs.

- Collaborated with communities to rebuild and rehabilitate 117 community infrastructure buildings, including hospitals, markets, orphanages and schools.

- Put 11,600 people to work in reconstruction programs like building roads and cleaning up debris and wells.

- Rehabilitated 27 schools and 78 temporary classrooms, allowing 35,000 students to return to safe learning environments.

- Distributed some 59,202 packages of educational materials and more than 53,500 school uniforms.

- Offered programming to help people work through the trauma, including training community workers to assist children and families in their long-term recovery from trauma.

Sri Lanka 5-Year Tsunami Spending (in USD Millions)