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Indonesia: Yogyakarta Earthquake Emergency Appeal No. MDRID001 Operations Update No. 24


Period covered by this Operations Update: 1 October 2009 to 31 March 2010

Appeal target (current): CHF 32,388,585 (USD 30,454,986 or EUR 22,616,949);

Appeal coverage: 105%;

Appeal history:

- Preliminary appeal launched on 27 May 2006 for CHF 12,834,000 (USD 10.4 million or EUR 8.2 million) to assist 200,000 beneficiaries for eight months.

- Revised appeal launched on 6 June 2006 for CHF 38,045,439 (USD 31 million or EUR 24 million) to assist 325,000 beneficiaries for 12 months.

- Revised appeal is extended to 31 December 2007 on 6 June 2007.

- Revised appeal is extended to 31 December 2008 on 17 January 2008.

- Revised appeal is extended to 31 March 2010 on 25 April 2008.

- Revised appeal is extended to 31 December 2010 with a revised plan of action on 30 April 2009. The budget has been revised down to CHF 32,667,430 (USD 31.68 million or EUR 21.42 million).


The Danish Red Cross-managed integrated community-based risk reduction (ICBRR) programme, funded by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), remains the only programme activity in Yogyakarta. The programme started in the second half of 2007 with the implementation of IFRC's community-organized and -based (COBA) programme, working with PMI branches in five districts in Yogyakarta province and one district, Klaten, in central Java province. Following an evaluation in late 2007 it was agreed that Danish Red Cross, who had been supporting the Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia/PMI) ICBRR programmes since 2004, were better placed to manage the programme and to bring it into line with standard PMI ICBRR programme methodology. Since the programme start-up, PMI Central Java has requested the addition of five more of its branches (Boyolali, Magelang, Temanggung, Karanganyar and Purworejo) in the programme. To accommodate this expansion, a revised budget of CHF 3,700,000 has been agreed between IFRC, Danish Red Cross and PMI. In addition, the programme period has been extended to December 2010 to allow for implementation of the complete programme cycle in the five new districts.

Global findings of a peer review of accountability to disaster-affected communities in IFRC's Yogyakarta programme, undertaken in April and May 2009 as part of the Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response global review, were published in late 2009.

The findings of the annual evaluation of the ICBRR programme are summarized in the overview of progress towards objectives.