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Indonesia: West Sumatra Earthquakes Emergency Appeal No. MDRID004 Operations Update No. 9


GLIDE no. TS-2009-000211-IDN

Period covered by this operations update: 23 November - 8 December 2009

Appeal target (current): CHF 13,293,583 (USD 12.9 million or EUR 8.8 million)

Appeal coverage: With contributions received to date, the appeal is 86 per cent covered in cash and kind, with further pledges in the pipeline. Additional funds are needed to enable Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesian Red Cross) to scale up its response and provide humanitarian assistance to those affected by the disaster.

Appeal history:

- The Emergency Appeal was launched on 5 November for CHF 13,293,583 (USD 12.9 million or EUR 8.8 million) in cash, kind, or services. The overall budget of PMI's operations is CHF 19,627,833 (USD 19.17 million or EUR 12.99 million). The balance is being covered by bilateral contributions made directly to PMI by a number of partner national societies.

- A revised preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched on 7 October for CHF 19,185,775 (USD 18.64 million or EUR 12.69 million) in cash, kind, or services to support the Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesian Red Cross) to assist up to 20,000 families (approximately 100,000 individuals) for six months.

- A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched on 4 October 2009 for CHF 6,842,032 (USD 6.60 million or EUR 4.53 million) in cash, kind, or services to support the Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesian Red Cross) to assist up to 5,000 families (approximately 25,000 individuals) for six months.

- CHF 235,000 (USD 227,106 or EUR 155,302) was allocated from the International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support this operation.


Latest figures provided by the vice governor of West Sumatra indicate that up to 1,195 people died and another 1,798 people were injured in the earthquakes.

The Government of Indonesia issued its action plan for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of post-earthquake areas in West Sumatra in Bahasa Indonesia during the reporting period. Additional information will be shared once an official English translation is made available.

The relief team, in coordination with logistics, continues to distribute relief items to affected communities in Padang, Pariaman, Padang Pariaman, Pesisir Selatan and Agam districts, reaching approximately 5,200 additional families over this reporting period. Health and hygiene promotion activities also continued in tandem with the ongoing distributions in selected villages. The T-shelter component transferred funds to the selected beneficiaries, reaching 207 households as of 8 December. Construction work has commenced, with 31 T-shelters completed and the rest in various stages of progress.

As of 8 December, verified numbers of beneficiaries reached through PMI medical action teams and mobile health clinics are 8,518 people, while data on psychosocial support to schools and communities including children and the elderly indicate that up to 3,721 people have been reached.

The PMI water and sanitation emergency response team have successfully concluded their operations in providing water supply to communities in Kota Padang. Final water treatment and distributions as of 30 November 2009 is 3,948,500 litres. Based on calculations of population1 in supported areas and number of visits made, a conservative estimate indicates that up to 35,500 beneficiaries were reached through this intervention.

Partners which have made contributions to the appeal to date include the American Red Cross, Australian Red Cross, Austrian Red Cross, British Red Cross/British government, Canadian Red Cross/Canadian government, Red Cross Society of China, Hong Kong branch of the Red Cross Society of China, Macau branch of the Red Cross Society of China, Finnish Red Cross/ Finnish government, French Red Cross, Iranian Red Crescent, Irish Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Republic of Korea National Red Cross, Monaco Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross/Netherlands government, New Zealand Red Cross/New Zealand government, Norwegian Red Cross/Norwegian government, Spanish Red Cross and Swedish Red Cross/Swedish government as well as the governments of Andorra and Estonia, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Fund of International Development and Irish Aid.

Bilateral partners supporting PMI include the American Red Cross, British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross/Danish government, French Red Cross and Netherlands Red Cross (ECHO funding), German Red Cross, Italian Red Cross, Kuwait Red Crescent, Norwegian Red Cross, Qatar Red Crescent, Singapore Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, Turkish Red Crescent and United Arab Emirates Red Crescent.

The International Federation, on behalf of PMI, would like to thank all partners for their generous response to this appeal.