Executive Summary
Purpose of the I-UCPD
In response to rising requests from its Member States and within the framework of the UN reform aimed at achieving greater coherence, efficiency and effectiveness at country level, and avoiding fragmentation, duplication and competition among sister UN agencies, UNESCO is adopting a new strategic programming country-based approach. The Indonesia-UNESCO Country Programming Document (I-UCPD) will set the framework for the Organization's multi-sector cooperation strategy with Indonesia, in coherence and alignment with the country's priorities and the UNDAF.
In that context, UNESCO-Jakarta, in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia (GOI), prepared the present I-UCPD for Indonesia 2008-2011 to serve as a consolidated basis for UNESCO's support to and cooperation with the country in accelerating the realization of its nationally set goals and its commitments to the MDGs, in collaboration and harmony with UN Sister Agencies.
Preparation Process
The I-UCPD was prepared based on the analysis of the country's major development issues and challenges and the national priorities and strategies as spelled out in various national reports, country assessments and other relevant publications(1) . The desk study analysis was further enriched by the outcomes of two consultation workshops organized by the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO with the major stakeholders (line ministries and government agencies), and direct interviews with the concerned government officials(2).
On the other hand, the main conclusions brought out by the interviews point to the need for a more significant role for UNESCO in supporting Indonesia's national development efforts, both in terms of the size of the financial support and the quality of planning for more sustainable longer-term programmes. The counterpart line ministries and government agencies stressed the importance of better coordination and communication with the programme specialists in the UNESCO Office Jakarta (UNESCO-Jakarta). In that context, the initiative of the preparation of the I-UCPD was welcomed as it facilitates the communication and coordination mechanisms, not only during its preparation, but also during the implementation of the programme.
The consultative and collaborative process of the preparation of this document was necessary to ensure that the elements contained reflect as much as possible the real "demand" side for UNESCO's support and the priority areas of cooperation.
Structure of the document
Based on the national priorities identified and UNESCO's work and experience in Indonesia, UNESCO draws the main lines for its future strategy in the country and proposes a cooperation framework with the GOI and in partnership with the UN sister agencies within the UNDAF 2006-2010 and beyond. The proposed country-based cooperation framework is in line with the new strategic direction in which UNESCO proposes to engage in for the implementation of its (Draft) Medium-term Strategy (34 C/4) for 2008-2013. Results expected to be achieved at the country level will contribute, through the UNESCO's results chain, to the achievement of the expected outcomes at the global level.
Proposals for concrete action within the cooperation framework are presented in page 26 of the document. The rationale behind those large-scale comprehensive projects is to ensure sustainability, increased effectiveness and larger impact, but also to allow space, both in terms of life span of the project and mostly in terms of resources required, for other partners to join in the implementation.
Future follow-up to the I-UCPD
The present I-UCPD will serve both the Government of Indonesia and UNESCO to strengthen the partnership and collaborative action and ensure its relevance and effectiveness. The management and monitoring of the I-UCPD will be entrusted to a Steering Committee jointly hosted by UNESCO-Jakarta and the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO. Effective follow-up of the I-UCPD and successful implementation relies also heavily on the extent of the consensus, commitment and partnerships it can trigger among the major local stakeholders, BAPPENAS, UNCT agencies and equally importantly donors and development agencies at large.
It is expected therefore that the I-UCPD will serve as a programming and advocacy tool for UNESCO to clarify and assert its role and concrete contribution within the UNCT, and to succeed, in joint efforts with the Indonesian National Commission, in mobilizing sufficient financial support for the execution of the proposed programmes and projects.
(1) Documents and reports consulted are listed under References.
(2) The Ministry of National Education (MONE), the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the National Development Planning Agency(BAPPENAS), the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Communications and Information, the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, the Ministry of Research and Technology, the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the Ministry of Environment, the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Research Council, the State Secretariat, BRR.