A-TARP, the Aceh Technical Assistance Recovery Project, is a USAID-funded initiative that provides long- and short-term policy and technical advice, training, and commodities to the Aceh & Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) and other government agencies that are engaged directly and indirectly in reconstruction and longer-term growth in Indonesia. These agencies include the Supreme Audit Board, Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of National Education.
A-TARP Activities in June 2005:
1. Information and Communications Technology System for BRR
A-TARP fielded an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services team that developed two Requests for Proposals for the ICT systems needed by BRR to ensure responsive, transparent and effective reconstruction in Aceh. The RFPs will require the winning consortia to:
- Design, supply and implement network
infrastructure for all BRR offices
- Provide IT Help Desk support for BRR
office management and productivity
- Provide software systems design for
core activities, including a human resources system, facilities management
and finance system
- Develop and manage an expanded e-aceh-nias.org web-based portal linked to BRR's project tracking database to coordinate and spread information about reconstruction projects
A specific intent of this initiative is to supply the BRR office with the ICT capacity to allow the agency to communicate and coordinate effectively with stakeholders. The deadlines for proposals in response to these RFPs are 15 and 21 July. Once the systems are designed, procurement of hardware and software, hiring of BRR ICT staff, contracting or outsourcing of maintenance and implementation assistance - all of these will be shopped to various donors and NGOs providing assistance to BRR. In the meantime, the Bappenas team managing e-aceh-nias.org will continue to manage the reconstruction database and ensure a smooth transition to BRR operation.
2. BRR Technical Advisors Appointment Panel
A-TARP advisor Maggy Horhoruw, working with AusAID's BRR Advisor Bill Nicol, has established a formal institutional arrangement for identifying BRR's external technical assistance (TA) needs, sourcing desired TA expertise, and securing appointment of advisors from various donors. The new Technical Advisors Appointment Panel will work with BRR deputies to:
- Identify their needs and map these needs
against BRR's broader assistance needs
- Source TA from donors and NGOs
- Maintain an up-to-date list of TA resources
on offer or already in place
- Ensure that Terms of Reference for all
advisors are clearly defined
- Obtain approvals from deputies and the
BRR Director to finalize appointments
- Ensure that all support requirements
for TAs (e.g., visas, ID cards) are in place
- Provide oversight to check that TA performance meets BRR requirements
3. Village Planning in the Tsunami Region
As part of the BRR's village mapping and planning initiative in Aceh and Nias, supported by USAID, A-TARP has contract with local company PT Wiswakharman to provide technical assistance and training services toward the completion of village-level spatial plans in the tsunami-affected region. The team in Banda Aceh is working closely with BRR to finalize general guidelines that will govern village spatial planning for reconstruction. This assistance will result in a written product outlining these principles and will serve as models for the rollout of more than 650 such plans throughout the tsunami region. Toward this end, the team is producing a comprehensive Village Damage Assessment, Mitigation Scenario, and Reconstruction Scenario for a selected village in Aceh.
4. Implementation of the Supreme Audit Board's Strategic Plan
Building on assistance provided by the USAID-funded Growth through Investment and Trade project, A-TARP is providing strategic planning, organizational development and technical advisory services to Indonesia's Supreme Audit Board (BPK). Project advisors Craig Anderson and Luke Tatnell are reviewing the Board's management and implementation strategy and presenting options for executing a national audit system based on international compliance standards. Following the recent completion of a strategic plan exercise for the Board overall, the advisors are looking to help BPK apply its new results-driven mandate in activities related to the transparency and accountability of Aceh and Nias reconstruction.
A-TARP Update is a regular bulletin detailing selected activities and results of the USAID-funded Aceh Technical Assistance Recovery Project.
For more information about A-TARP, please contact Mario Salzmann (msalzmann@chemonics.com; 0813-18587650), Ernie Leonardo (eleonardo@verizon.net; 0813-18587653), or Jonathan Simon (jsimon@chemonics.com; 0813-19640413).