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Indonesia: Sumatra Floods Emergency Appeal No. MDRID002 Final Report


GLIDE n=B0 FL-2006-000192-IDN

Period covered by this final report: 1 January to 31 May 2009;

Appeal target (current): CHF 520,632 (USD 496,929 or EUR 318,903);

Appeal coverage: 100%;

Appeal history:

- Request for assistance was launched on 12 January 2007 to assist 100,000 beneficiaries (20,000 families) for three months;

- Appeal budget revised down to CHF 708,824 (USD 651,942 or EUR 438,941);

- On 18 January 2008, the operational timeframe was extended until May 2008;

- On 5 August 2008, the operational timeframe was extended until December 2008.

- On 6 May 2008, the operational timeframe was extended until 31 May 2009.

The situation

The torrential rains between December 2006 and February 2007 caused serious floods and landslides covering wide geographical areas in northern Sumatra. More than 500,000 people were reportedly affected. The Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia/PMI) with support from its partner national societies (PNS), immediately delivered essential humanitarian services including food and non food item distribution, mobile health services and water sanitation activities. PMI continued providing relief items in the recovery phase.

With the consent of donors, remaining funding was used to procure relief items or was reallocated as part of emergency contingency funding. For instance, the contribution from the Hong Kong branch of the Red Cross Society of China was used to procure 600 family kits for the PMI branch in Aceh Utara while USAID funding was used to replenish relief stocks after the heavy rains affected communities on the remote island of Nias in the North Sumatra province. The contribution from AusAID was reallocated as contingency funding for emergencies.

Nonetheless the emergency operation still had a balance of funding by the end of the second quarter in 2008.