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Indonesia: Solo earthquake-resistance houses erected in Nias

Sibolga, Indonesia-Relief - The Catholic Diocese of Sibolga, in cooperation with the Bishops' Conference of Indonesia, will build 8 earthquake resistance houses in Nias Island. The prefabricated houses, made by Akademi Teknik Mesin Industri (ATMI) Solo, are similar to the houses that have been built by Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)in Aceh.
"The house component is being shipped to Nias. For the first phase, we will only build 8 houses. The house frame made of stainless steel and the wall from composite fiber: mix of Styrofoam, pulp, and cement," said Father Hans Jeharut, secretary of Sibolga Catholic Diocese, as reported by Sinar Indonesia Baru, Medan based daily, early this month.

The houses will be built in Teluk Dalam, Anuraya, I Danau Gawo, Sirombu, and Gunung Sitoli and all will be completed in a month.

ATMI orAcademy of Technical and Mechanical Industry, the central java based engineering school owned by a Jesuit foundation, develop the prefabricated, knock-down, modular houses in early tsunami era. The roof is made from faded zinc, namely the zinc coated by aluminum, while the light and stainless aluminum is used for the door and window frame. All parts of the house are connected by bolt so that it can be overhauled easily.

In early March, two houses erected in Ateuk Pahlawan and Ule Karang Lembung and have been used as Jesuit Refugee Services office. JRS Indonesia headquarters is in Yogyakarta, also in central Java.

JRS and ATMI planned to build another 300 houses using the same earthquake resistance house. The houses will be built in Meulingge, Rinon dan Alue Raya. The house price is lower than normal house. Cost for each square meter, ATMI Director BB Triatmoko SJ told Suara Merdeka, is between Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,500,000 ($52 - $157).