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Indonesia - Severe weather (BNPB, BMKG) (ECHO Daily Flash of 23 February 2022)

  • Heavy rainfall and strong winds have been affecting central Java Island (in particular the Yogyakarta Special Region) and northern Sulawesi Island (in particular the North Sulawesi Province) since 21 February, causing flash floods and a number of strong wind-related incidents that have resulted in evacuations and damage.

  • As of 23 February, due to flash floods, 281 people have been evacuated to temporary shelters and nearly 110 houses were damaged across the Sitaro Regency (North Sulawesi Province), acording to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB). In addition, BNPB reports some injured people, two evacuated families, 526 affected families and more than 500 damaged houses across the Gunung Kidul Regency (Yogyakarta) due to the strong wind.

  • Over the next 24 hours, more rainfall and strong winds are forecast over the whole Java Island and the northern Sulawesi Island.