3 - 9 January 2004
Provincial Updates
Surabaya, East Java
The Jakarta Post reported on Thursday (8 Jan.), that the Surabaya Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) predicted that torrential rains and gale-force winds would reach their peak between 13 and 15 January and would affect the following areas: Banyuwangi, Trenggalek, South Malang, Pacitan, Tululngagung, Situbondo, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Lamongan, Tuban, Bojonegoro, Madura, Madiun, Magetan, Ponorogo, Mojokerto, Jombang, Kediri and Surabaya. According to an official from BMG, the rain would be accompanied by strong winds of more than 50 kilometers per hour that would raise the height of waves on the Northern coastal of Java island by 2 to 3 meters.
The Jakarta Post reported on Wednesday (7 Jan.), that BMG forecasted rainfall in Jakarta to be higher than normal in January, but that it did not given a specific figure. The Flood Mitigation Agency has distributed cellular phones, pre-paid cards and two-way radios to 186 heads of flood-prone sub-sub-districts (kelurahan) in Jakarta.
Kompas reported on Monday (5 Jan.), that a flash flood hit houses in Gedong Tataan sub-district of Lampung Selatan district on Sunday (4 Jan.). The flash flood flowed from Betung Mountain, south of the affected sub-district. Tens of logs hit and destroyed one slush gate and one bridge. The floodwater inundated 425 houses in four hours.
IFRC has launched its Indonesia Floods 2004 Emergency Appeal on Thursday (1 Jan.) to help victims of floods in Jambi. This emergency appeal provisionally seeks CHF 539,305 (USD 431,444) to help 25,000 floods victims in (mostly Jambi) Sumatra and Sulawesi provinces. CHF 100,000 (USD 80,000) has been allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF). Eight districts and one city in Jambi province has endured in prolonged floods disaster since the first week of December 2003.
In response to the IFRC emergency appeal, the Australian Government will provide $A 100,000. The funds will be channelled through the Australian Red Cross.
Majalengka, West Java
The Jakarta Post reported on Wednesday (6 Jan.), that a landslide, caused by heavy rains, hit Wanahayu village, Maja sub-district of Majalengka district on Sunday (4 Jan.) and destroyed four houses. A mother and her three children were killed when a portion of the hill behind their house turned into a mud river.
Bali and Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara)
An earthquake measuring 6.1 on Richter scale rocked the two tourist islands of Bali and Lombok on Friday (2 Jan.) at 04:59:30 local time. According to BMG, the epicenter of the earthquake was in Lombok Strait, approximately 30 km northeast of Amlapura city (Bali), at a depth of 33 km.
According to SATKORLAK PBP Bali on Monday (5 Jan.), the quake damaged 410 houses, 91 schools, 29 government buildings, 69 places of worship, 7 irrigation facilities and one bridge. The Central and Local Government has provided IDR 1 billion (USD 119,048) for emergency relief assistance and the Department of Health provided some pharmaceutical supplies.
According to SATKORLAK PBP West Nusa Tenggara on Monday (5 Jan.), the most affected areas in Lombok island include West Lombok and East Lombok districts, as well as Mataram city. At least 708 houses were heavily damaged, 1,180 were slightly damaged and 23 people were injured. The Central Government has donated IDR 1 billion (USD 119,048) and the Department of Health provided pharmaceutical supplies for the vitims. The Local Government provided food and non-food items (mattresses, plastic sheets/tents, blankets, sarongs, etc.). Public kitchens were also established in the affected areas.
According to PMI on Tuesday (6 Jan.), there were at least 280 displaced families in Lombok. Most of them moved in with relatives and neighbours, while others have been accommodated in under the temporary tents. PMI will dispatch 400 family kits and 100 units of tarpaulins to Lombok.
Tropical Cyclone
A local newspaper, Pos Kupang, reported on Thursday (8 Jan.), that the Local Government of Kupang distributed assistance of 2 tonnes of rice and 50 boxes of noodles for 849 people in Pariti, Kainare, Oeniko and Takari villages affected by tropical cyclone Debbie that hit the villages recently.
2. ACEH (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam)
General Situation
Various local press reported that 27 civilians, 1 TNI soldier and 25 GAM members were killed during the week.
A local newspaper, Serambi, reported on Tuesday (6 Jan.), that the Central Government on Monday (5 Jan.) agreed that PMI and ICRC act as facilitators between GoRI and GAM in guaranteeing the safe release of TV cameraman, Ferry Santoro, along with other civilian hostages held by GAM since late June 2003. For this purpose, a team from the Political and Security Affairs Ministry travelled to the province on Tuesday (6 Jan.). The Head of PMI and Head of ICRC delegates for Indonesia followed on Wednesday (7 Jan.). According to The Jakarta Post on Thursday (8 Jan.), GAM refused to negotiate with the Government team but promised to free 10 hostages including Santoro and the wives of two Air force officers if a two-day ceasefire could be implemented. High rank military officials dismissed such demands by GAM.
Home Affairs Minister, Hari Sabarno, on Wednesday (7 Jan.) inaugurated a new district, Bener Meriah, previously integrated with Central Aceh district making a total of 21 districts in the province. The new district consists of 7 sub-districts. The Minister said that the split was made, considering the needs for effective governance and increase in community services for development in human and natural resources.
Population Movement
IOM reported that as of Sunday (4 Jan.), the total number of IDPs in the province decreased to 5,349 persons (1,147 HH) in 7 sites in 4 districts. On Saturday (3 Jan.), 86 persons left their village of Pusong Tapang, Seruway sub-district of Aceh Tamiang district to take refuge from fighting.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Nuansa Pos, reported on Thursday (8 Jan.), that Central Sulawesi Vice Governor handed over an appointment letter from Minister of Home Affairs, Hari Sabarno, to Damsik Ladjalani as a District Head of a newly created Tojo Unauna district on Wednesday (7 Jan.). Tojo Unauna (TOUNA) district is a second district created from Poso district after Morowali. It covers 8 sub-districts of Tojo Barat, Tojo, Ulubongka, Ampana Kota, Ampana Tete, Togean, Unauna and Walea.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Ambon Ekspress, quoted the Chief of Police for Maluku, Brig. Gen. Bambang Sutrisno, on Tuesday (6 Jan), confirming that some community members still possessed weapons and it would be a potential source of conflict and instability in Maluku. He requested the community to voluntarily hand over these weapons.
Ambon Ekspress quoted the Territorial Military Commander (PANGDAM) XVI Pattimura, Brig. Gen. Syarifuddin Sumah, on Wednesday (7 Jan.), saying that there is an operation of foreign intelligence in Ambon through NGOs. He did not further elaborate nor give the names of NGOs, however he said that his office would monitor NGOs' activities in the field. In a meeting between the Head of UNPCO Ambon and the Deputy to PANGDAM XVI Pattimura, Brig. Gen. Ginting Munthe, on Friday (9 Jan.), it was explained that the operation of foreign intelligence does not existed only in Maluku province, but also in other provinces across Indonesia.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Malut Post, reported on Thursday (8 Jan.), that one man was killed in a clash between demonstrators and BRIMOB troops in front of PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals premises (a gold mining company) in Malifut sub-district of North Halmahera district on Wednesday (7 Jan.). The victim was killed by a gunshot released by BRIMOB troop.
Population Movement
North Halmahera District Social Department reported that on Tuesday (23 Dec.), 261 returnee families from Maluku province have arrived in Tobelo. The returnees, who are originally from sub-districts of Galela, Kao, Tobelo and Morotai Island, are still waiting for assistance from North Maluku Provincial Social Department that should be distributed prior to their return.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Cenderawasih Pos, quoted Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Ryamizard Ryacudu, on Tuesday (6 Jan.), saying that foreign intelligence had operated in Indonesia through civil groups and the military in Indonesia. He stressed that it would be a threat for the unity of Indonesia, in particularly in conflict areas such as Papua and Aceh.
A local newspaper, Papua Post, quoted the Assistant I of Biak District Government, Jules Warikar, on Wednesday (7 Jan), saying that the Central Government established a new district, Supiori, that made a total of 29 districts in Papua province.
Population Movement
A local newspaper, Pos Kupang, quoted the Head of Provincial Labour and Transmigration Bureau, IN Conterius, on Monday (5 Jan.), saying that under its transmigration programme, the Provincial Government targeted 1,000 persons to be sent to Kalimantan in 2004.
Food Security and Agriculture
WFP national staff travelled to Banda Aceh from 6 to 10 January to meet local authorities including Vice Governor and SATKORLAK PBP officials to assess a possibility of resuming WFP's rice distribution programme for Aceh. Additional meetings were held with Muhammadiyah and Traditional Institution of Fishermen Community (Panglima Laot) to seek a possibility of channelling the rice in the province.
Serambi reported on Sunday (4 Jan.), that diarrhoea outbreak occurring during the past week in the surroundings of Tapaktuan capital has killed a three-year old child, leaving 13 others hospitalised. Local aid workers said that the main factor for this occurrence was an unexpected climate change. Thus far, health workers are confident in overcoming the sudden outbreak with sufficient medicaments.
Food Security and Agriculture
From 7 to 8 January, CWS conducted Home Industry Training (cake and shredded fish meat making, and crops planting) for its Food for Work and Food for Training programme in Lage Sub-district (covering Pandiri, Malei, Tongko, and Silanca villages).
Under its Community Recovery Programme Through Agriculture and Fishery (CROP), CWS continued monitoring of activities in Poso (covering North Pamona, South Pamona, and East Pamona sub-districts) and Mori Atas sub-district of Morowali districts.
CWS through its local partners, Lembaga Penguatan Masyarakat Sipil, and two religious leaders, continued its Psychosocial Health Programme by monitoring support groups in the sub-districts of Poso Pesisir (Kasiguncu village), Poso Kota (Lembomawo, Lawanga, and Kilo 9 villages), Lage (Silanca village) and North Pamona (covering Later Camp and Kulinti villages).
IMC completed its activities in Central Sulawesi as of 31 December 2003. During the month of January 2004, IMC will be closing its ESF-USAID grant funded project. IMC will donate its pharmaceutical to Puskesmas in Poso district.
Water and Sanitation
CARE continued distribution of building materials for construction of latrine and water systems in North Pamona, Lage, Tojo and Poso Pesisir sub-districts.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
On Friday (2 Jan.), Mercy Corps through its local partner, LSM Harapan Kita, distributed non-food items (kitchen tools and timbers) to 2 HH in Labuan village of Lage Sub-district. This activity is under its Quick Impact programme.
On Monday (5 Jan.), Mercy Corps through its local partner, Yayasan Karunia, distributed non-food items (kitchen tools and pails) to 408 HH in Buyung Katedo and Tongko villages of Lage sub-district.
Under its micro credit project, Mercy Corps provided assistance for Yayasan Hasan Soleman in Hila village of Ambon Island to strengthen the local capacity.
A visiting WHO South East Regional Field Security Officer accompanied by WHO officer from Jakarta and UN Area Security Coordinator Maluku, had a meeting with Chief of Police for Maluku Province, Brig. Gen. Bambang Sutrisno, to discuss the current security situation in the province.
UN OCHA IDP Advisor for Maluku Province had a meeting with the Vice Governor of Maluku Province, Drs. M.A Latuconsina, and the Head of IDP Task Force of Maluku, Ir. Rachman Soumena, to share information on the IDP issue and the situation in the province.
CARDI conducted a regular field trip monitoring visit and a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) meeting with youth representatives from 12 youth clubs under its ECHO 1 project.
Food Security and Agriculture
AcF completed its income generating programme on Ambon island (funded by AusAID) for 953 HH in 32 sites.
AcF completed a food security survey for Maluku province and the report is available upon request.
A local newspaper, Info Baru, quoted the Executive Director of LPPM, Mercy Barens, on Tuesday (6 Jan), saying that 60 people (30 from South East Maluku district and 26 from Ambon city) died of AIDS in the province up to December 2003. She requested the Provincial Government to put more funding in the AIDS management in Maluku.
Shelter and Non-food Items
Mercy Corps through LNGOs, Yayasan Pemerhati Lingkungan dan Masyarakat Mandiri and Yayasan Maluku Membangun, distributed seeds and tools for 170 HH in Kairatu sub-district of Central Maluku district.
Mercy Corps through LNGOs, Yayasan Spora and Yayasan Eklesia Nuaulu Manusela, distributed textbooks for 483 beneficiaries in Amahai sub-district of Central Maluku district.
Info Baru quoted Project Coordinator of Basic Education Project of World Bank, Drs. Jansen Leunupun, on Tuesday (6 Jan.), saying that the World Bank had constructed 36 primary schools in South East Maluku district during 2001 - 2003.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
Ambon Ekspress quoted the Head of Fisheries Department for Maluku, Ir. M.Z Sangadji, on Wednesday (7 Jan), saying that some businessman from Xingjian Province in China was preparing to invest in fisheries development in Maluku with a total investment plan of USD 10 million. According to him, this is the first step of the implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding signed in December 2003.
Under its United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) programme, CARDI conducted an assessment for implementation of reconstruction of community infrastructure in Jailolo, South Jailolo, Sahu, Ibu and Oba sub-districts from 6 to 8 January.
Under its Youth Community Participation II SV programme, CARDI conducted a field trip to Jailolo, South Jailolo, Sahu and Ibu sub-districts from 5 to 9 January.
SC UK conducted a field assessment for its school reconstruction programme in Akediri and Marimbati villages of Jailolo sub-districts on Wednesday (7 Jan).
WVI initaited preparation and data collection for its magazine production training in Kao, Malifut, Tobel and Galela sub-districts from 6 to 8 January.
Under its Engaging Activity for Involving Children and Young People in Building New Communities (ENACT), SC UK conducted a workshop on the Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC) from 7 to 9 January in Biang A and Biang B villages of Jailolo sub-district.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
Under its UNOPS programme, WVI conducted Planning, Learning and Action training in Galela, Kao and Malifut sub-districts from 5 to 8 January.
With support from UNICEF Indonesia, the team of Indonesian parliamentarian group will visit Jayapura to organize a seminar on HIV/AIDS and Youth for local leaders and legislative members. For preparation purposes, UNICEF Papua Chief Field Office and Programme Officer HIV/AIDS met the Chairman of parliament in Papua Province, John Ibo, on Tuesday (6 Jan.). Ibo has raised his concern for the spread of HIV/AIDS in the province and pledge his support to this meeting in February. The meeting will focus on how to promote collaborations for the prevention of HIV/AIDS among all stakeholders in Papua and special attentions will be paid to the protection of Papuan youths.
UNICEF Papua Chief Field Office had a meeting with Isabelle Cazottes of European Union in Papua to forge a future partnership in improving maternal health in Papua.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
Papua Post quoted the Sub-district Head, Clemens Worenda, on Monday (5 Jan.), saying that the Central Government allocated IDR 4 billion for development of infrastructure (i.e. houses, roads, bridges, and irrigation) in Sota sub-district, a border area with Papua News Guinea (PNG) that links with Merauke.
Food Security and Agriculture
A local newspaper, Pos Kupang, reported on Monday (5 Jan.), that 6 villages (Rua, Baliloku, Pahola, Katiku Loku, Tarmanu, Praibakul) in Wanokaka sub-district of West Sumba district might suffer from a harvest failure due to a drought. In order to be prepared for lack of food in his sub-district, the Head of Wanokaka sub-district, Chris Leti, has asked the community to start planting other types of plants, such as nuts and sweet potatoes.
Shelter and Non-Food Items
Pos Kupang reported on Monday (5 Jan.), that 250 HH in a transmigration or resettlement site, Lolukalay, in Konda Maoba village, Katikutana sub-district of West Sumba district asked the Local Government to provide electricity facilities. Meanwhile, according to the Head of West Sumba Social Affair Burreau, Nico Umbu Dondu, these settlers would only stay in the area for one year. Thus, the Local Government will provide the facility once they are moved to a new permanent site.
A local newspaper, Radar Timor, reported on Tuesday (6 Jan.), that 246 HH (1,071 persons) at a settlement site, Manleten, in East Tasifeto sub-district of Belu district had difficulties in getting clean water, as construction of well had not been completed yet. Belu Military Headquarter and CARE are currently providing clean water for the people in the site through 6 water tank trucks.
Selected Abbreviations Key
ACF | Action Contre la Faim |
BAKORNAS PBP | National Coordinating Board for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
BRIMOB | Police Mobile Brigade |
BULOG | National Logistics Agency |
CWS | Church World Service |
GAM | Free Aceh Movement |
GoRI | Government of Indonesia |
CARDI | Consortium for Assistance to Refugees and the Displaced in Indonesia |
CoHA | Cessation of Hostilities Agreement |
CORDAID | Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development |
HDC | Henry Dunant Center |
HH | House Holds |
ICMC | International Catholic Migration Commission |
IMC | International Medical Corps |
IDP | Internally displaced person |
IRD | International Relief and Development |
JRS | Jesuit Refugee Service |
JSC | Joint Security Committee |
KOMNAS HAM | National Commission on Human Rights |
KOPASSUS | Army's Special Force |
KOSTRAD | Army's Strategic Reserve Command |
MSF - B | Medecins sans Frontieres Belgium |
MCK | Combined Bathing, Washing and Latrine Facility |
OPM | Free Papua Organization |
PMI | Indonesian Red Cross |
Poliandes | Field Health Post |
Posyandu | Integrated health service |
Puskesmas | Primary health centre |
Pustu | Primary health unit |
SATKORLAK PBP | Provincial Coordinating Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
SATLAK PBP | District Executing Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
SC US | Save the Children US |
TNI | Indonesian Armed Forces |
WVI | World Vision International |
This report and previous ones can be found at http://www.reliefweb.int
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