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Indonesia: OCHA Consolidated Situation Report No. 120

15 - 21 March 2003
1. ACEH (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam)

General Situation

According to local media reports, 5 civilians were killed during the week.

The Jakarta Post reported on Thursday (20 Mar.) that thousands of people in Central Aceh district face a serious food shortage as roads to and from the district have been blocked by residents in the neighbouring district of Bireuen, following the killing of two persons last week.

Serambi reported on Thursday (20 Mar.) that hundreds of trucks were not willing to transport commodities from Medan to Banda Aceh. They asked the local authorities to ensure their security and prevent extortion along the roads. As a result, price of food commodities in Banda Aceh and other parts of the province have gone up.

According to Serambi on Wednesday (19 Mar.), hundreds of IDPs from Central Aceh district, who had been staying in Jami mosque, Darussalam University, since 9 March, staged a protest on Monday (17 Mar.) in front of the JSC office in Banda Aceh. The demonstrators called on the JSC to ensure their security to return to their villages. They also requested JSC to reopen its office in Takengon and to restore security in the district.

A local newspaper, Serambi, reported on Sunday (16 Mar.) that a mob of 40 men stopped the vehicles passing through Burlintang village, Pegasing sub-district of Central Aceh district and eventually set fire to 12 cars and two motorcycles on Saturday (15 Mar.). Two civilians were burned and died during the incident. Both GAM and TNI accused each other of the violation of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA).

The Jakarta Post reported on Monday (17 Mar.) that two persons were killed by the unidentified men who shot them from a driving vehicle near Lhokseumawe, the capital of North Aceh district on Saturday (15 Mar.). GAM claims that one of the victims was its police officer and the other one was a student.


A National Epidemiological and Immunization Consultant from WHO, Dr. Sidik Utoro, visited Aceh province from 17 to 21 March to assess the coverage of immunization and quality of cold chains, and vaccine stores in NAD. He found that Banda Aceh has adequate human resources and good storage facilities. He also found that in Aceh Jaya district, a shortage of electricity was the main problem for cold chains and that the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) personnel need further training.


SC US conducted training for 96 health volunteers in Geumpang sub-district of Pidie district. The training was aimed at preparing the health volunteers for a scabies treatment campaign.

Food Security

WFP is visiting Pidie, Bireuen, Aceh Besar, Aceh Utara and Aceh Timur districts to work with authorities and its implementing partners for preparing distribution of rice to vulnerable groups. The first phase of food distribution in Pidie district has been completed, while distribution to other districts is expected to commence soon.

Water and Sanitation

A water and sanitation team of CARDI visited four sub-districts in Nagan Raya and Abdiya districts last week to monitor implementation of the Emergency Flood Response Programme. CARDI's local partners continue implementation of activities that include distribution of sand-filters, cleaning of existing wells, construction of new borehole wells, and clearing of agricultural fields that were damaged by floods.


UNICEF conducted a half-day workshop on Wednesday (19 Mar.) to evaluate the result of its "Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)" training and to get input for future UNICEF's psychosocial intervention in Aceh. A number of local NGOs who attended the EMDR training last year in Banda Aceh, as well as representatives from the local Education Department, psychiatric hospital and OCHA attended the workshop.

SC US conducted an internal meeting on strategic planning of its "Coming Home Programme" from 19 to 20 March.


General Situation

A local newspaper, Radar Sulteng, reported on 14 March that students from the Students Union on Islamic Study (UPIM) of Tadulako University staged a peaceful rally protesting war on Iraq on Thursday(13 Mar.).

The Poso District Police (Polres) reported on Tuesday (18 Mar.) that several hundreds of persons demonstrated in front of the police station in Poso, demanding the release of the three persons detained as suspects of sniper actions. The demonstration dissolved peacefully after an hour.


CARDI initiated an assessment on education and the conditions for the youth for a possible new programme in Central Sulawesi on Tuesday (18 Mar.). The CARDI team met with Provincial and District authorities, as well as OCHA and NGOs.

Food Security and Agriculture

CARE held cacao field training from Friday to Thursday (14 to 21 March) in sub-districts of Poso Pesisir, Lage, South Pamona. 76 farmer groups participated in the training. The training sessions will continue till end of May 2003.


IMC held a mobile clinic, Intensive Education Campaign (IEC) focusing on diarrhoea and worms, and distributed anti-worm tablets to 12 children on Friday (14 March) in Lembomawo village, Poso Kota sub-district. The mobile clinic and IEC attended 65 people.

IMC held a mobile clinic, Intensive Education Campaign (IEC) focusing on family planning and worms, and distributed anti-worm tablets to 7 children on Monday (17 March) in Malewa village, West Tojo sub-district. The mobile clinic and IEC attended 48 people.

IMC held a mobile clinic, Intensive Education Campaign (IEC) focusing on diarrhoea and malaria, and distributed anti-worm tablets to 7 children on Tuesday (18 March) in Tanamowau village, West Tojo sub-district. The mobile clinic and IEC were attended by 31 people.


General Situation

A local newspaper, Ambon Ekspress reported on Monday (17 Mar.) that the leaders of FKM/RMS, dr. Alexander Manuputty and Samuel Waleruny, could not be taken to Jakarta by the police on Saturday (15 Mar.), but that they would be on Monday (17 Mar.). Confirming this arrangement, the Head of Police (Kapolda) of Maluku, Brig. Gen Police Bambang Sutrisno SH, stated that the arrest was according to the procedure set forth by the appellate court decree from the North Jakarta High Court after the failure (refusal) of Alex and Sammy's appeal to a higher court. They will be imprisoned for 3 years serving.

Ambon Ekspress reported on Thursday (20 Mar.) that a quarrel occurred between communities in Passo of Baguala sub-district and Ambon city on 7 March. As a result, one person died and one was seriously injured, and a kindergarten and a school were destroyed. The security condition has been restored by the security forces.

Ambon Ekspres reported on Tuesday (18 Mar.) that a fighting between communities from Asilulu village and Ureng village of Leihitu sub-district occurred at Ruko Batu Merah Blok E on Monday (17 Mar.). It was assumed that the fighting was a revenge for a similar incident in the past. One death and two injured were reported. In spite of the police effort to stop the fighting, it spread to Yos Sudarso Harbour area where a huge number of people attacked one person from the community. The situation was finally put under control.

Population Movement

Ambon Ekspress reported on Monday (17 Mar.) that the IDPs from Waringing sub-village, Wainitu village, Nusaniwe sub-district, Ambon city were still living in THR IDPs camp in Waihaong village of Ambon city, although housing construction for them had been completed. The IDPs said that they had not yet received funds upon their return and they would stay in the camp until the funds were distributed. The funds were supposed to be distributed by early March.


AcF is conducting assessment activities on the water and sanitation situation in South-East Seram.

CARDI is conducting project monitoring in Kampung Dusun and Morella villages of Ambon Island, Waimital and Ahiolo villages of Kairatu sub-district, Manipa and Kelang Islands of Waisala sub-district, and Luhu village ofWest Seram sub- district.

A team from ICMC LNGO partner, Lakpesdam II, conducted monitoring activities on living conditions, community interaction and progress of reintegration of communities in Hatumete, Sanulu, Yiaputih, Moso and Sapta Marga villages of Tehoru sub-district.

Food Security and Agriculture

AcF finished registration of beneficiaries for its "Seed, Tool, and Fishing Equipment" programme in South Buru. AcF is now preparing for distribution activities.


IMC this week conducted a total of 1,594 medical consultations at its health stations in Buru and Seram Islands.

MSF-B this week conducted 408 consultations in Ambon Island. MSF-B concludes that Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI) is still a major health problem for children under 5 years during the week. Meanwhile, MSF-B is preparing implementation of its mental health programme on Ambon Island.

MSF-B postponed its outreach health services trips due to the bad weather at sea during the week. MSF-B is planning the next trip to West Seram.

Water and Sanitation

MSF-B is implementing activities for general maintenance and improvement of water and sanitation facilities in IDP camps that supported by MSF-B. Meanwhile, a water connection programme for new Ahuru IDPs, who came from Anggaran Office in Karpan suburb of Ambon city, is ongoing.

MSF-B finalised its water supply programme in West Seram and surrounding islands of Manipa, Kelang and Boano.

MSF-B made 13 spring boxes/gravity networks (from 200 m up to more than 1,8 km) and 6 wells in 19 locations where diarrhoea outbreaks or water-born diseases/ problems occur regularly, and where emergency interventions were used to be carried out.


ICMC facilitated a two-day planning and evaluation training on field based activities in Masohi from 11 to 12 March. ICMC programme officers and LNGO partners from Diakonia, Lakpesdam II, Lakpesdam I and Kebangkitan Bahari attended the training.

CARDI's Emergency Psychosocial Project (EPP) continues to provide support to the conflict affected youths and children through structured non-formal education activities and direct school support.

CARDI held Vocational Training courses at its supported centres in Passo, Wayame, Tulehu and Pohon Manga on Ambon Island.

Economic Recovery and Infrastructure

CARDI's Community and Rehabilitation Programme continues to provide support to return and reintegration process on Ambon and Seram Island through the provision of support for livelihood and infrastructure.

CARDI initiated "Living Values" training for communities in Ambon from 14 to 18 March. Meanwhile, CARDI has collected the first community 'Action Plans' and is supporting communities to develop budgets.


CARDI held a sports competition on Saturday (15 Mar.) in Wayame. Some 500 people participated in the competition.

Programme officers from ICMC and LNGO partner, Diakonia, facilitated individual community meetings to develop community action plans among IDPs who live in TNS sub-district and originally come from Elusna, Sabuai, Liliama and Dihil villages of Werinama sub-district. Meanwhile, a programme manager fro ICMC visited Seram Island from 11 to 17 March and held meetings with the Deputy District Administrator (Wakil Bupati) and Sub-district Administrators (Camat) from Taniwel, Tehoru, Werinama and Kairatu sub-districts.


Food Security and Agriculture

FAO had a mission to Tobelo to evaluate the impact of its Seeds and Tools project on the targeted beneficiaries including their food security.

Shelter and Non- Food Items

WVI distributed materials for its Housing Kit programme in Rioribati and Eraha/Tewe Puncak village in South Jailolo sub-district from 18 to 19 March, in Tetewang village in Jailolo sub-district from 13 to 14 March and in Pangeo and Korago villages in North Morotai sub-district on 18 March. WVI also delivered its distribution schedule in their targeted villages in Morotai Island.

WVI monitored its Roofing Kit project in several villages of WVI working area in Jailolo sub-district from 13 to 19 March.


WVI conducted training on Trauma and Children issues for the community trauma support workers who will be based in the Happy House for children in 20 schools located in Tobelo, Kao, Malifut, Galela sub-district. The training was conducted from 17 to 21 March in Tobelo sub-district and was attended by 25 participants.

WVI distributed building materials for Happy House in SD Inpres Wari in Tobelo sub-district, and monitored the construction of Happy House in Togawa and Soakonora village of Galela sub-district,

WVI distributed its Harmonis magazines in SD Tahane, SD Samsuna, SD Bobawa and SDN Wangeotak of Malifut sub-district and in SDN Kao and SD Inpres Kao in Kao sub-district.

SC UK Tobelo started activities outside the schools and had a workshop with the children and communities in Tobelo and South Tobelo sub-district. The workshop aimed at identifying the community initiatives and how the community can support the children to develop the initiatives.

Economic Recovery and Infrastructure

WVI distributed building materials for its infrastructure project in Gura village in Galela sub-district for MCK Type 3 and monitored the rehabilitation of infrastructure project in all villages of WVI working area in Morotai Island and South Jailolo sub-district.

WVI continues its transportation of local building materials for construction of its community infrastructure and Housing Kit project in Galela sub-district, South Jailolo sub-district and Morotai Island.


UNICEF conducted a workshop on financial issues from 18 to 20 March for all Ternate based counterparts including Diknas, Dinkes, DaurMala and Anshor. The workshop aimed at improving the counterparts' in-house accounting system and accounting records. The workshop was delivered by the senior programme assistant of UNICEF Makassar and was attended by 10 participants.


A local newspaper, Cendrawasih Pos, reported on Friday (21 Mar) on a demonstration against the division of Papua into three provinces held at the DPRD Building in Jayapura on Thursday (20 Mar.), by the Students Association of the Highlands and by the senates of Universitas Cendrawasih.

The Cendrawasih Pos reported on last Thursday (13 Mar.) that a 15 -- person team from Merauke departed to Jakarta, representing the South Papua Province Team for Division of Papua (known as Tim Inpres), and leaders from the community also left for Jakarta for discussion. Cendrawasih Pos reported on Friday (21 Mar.) that a meeting was held on Wednesday (19 Mar.), between the Tim Inpres and the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Menkopolkam), Mr Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono, and the Chairperson of DPRD, Mr Akbar Tandjung. As an outcome, there will be a Cabinet Minister Meeting in which the issue of the President Instruction and the Special Autonomy will be synchronized.

Cendrawasih Pos reported that the Ampera market fire incident of Friday (14 Mar.), in the slum area by the riverbanks, has caused unrest amongst the market traders who have lost their businesses and livelihoods, and their homes. Food has been scarce for the people, even though Aid Posts (Posko) have been established to assist them. The government has not yet given sufficient attention to this matter, as reported.

Kabar Irian News on Friday (14 Mar.) reported that after six houses were burned down by Papua New Guinea police in two camps near Vanimo (in Black Warah and Hawawi), the PNG mobile police squad arrested 16 people from Papua. Radio New Zealand International confirmed on Tuesday (18 Mar.) that the PNG police stated that they have burned down buildings belonging to the families of Papuan rebels living near Vanimo, close to the Indonesian border. The Papuans living there were reported to be linked to Mathias Wenda, a senior commander of the militant separatist group, the OPM. A PNG police spokesperson, Elizabeth Solomon, says the houses were brazed after the people had been moved. She added that the Papuans have been taken to a location closer to the border, not arrested as reported. This incident comes after the PNG government last week agreed to delay repatriating a separate group of Papuan border-crossers living in Vanimo.

Selected Abbreviations Key

ACF Action Contre la Faim
Bakornas PBP National Coordinating Board for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees
Brimob Police Mobile Brigade
Bulog National Logistics Agency
CWS Church World Service
GAM Free Aceh Movement
GoRI Government of Indonesia
CARDI Consortium for Assistance to Refugees and the Displaced in Indonesia
CORDAID Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development
HDC Henry Dunant Center
ICMC International Catholic Migration Commission
IMC International Medical Corps
IDP Internally displaced person
IRD International Relief and Development
JRS Jesuit Refugee Service
JSC Joint Security Committee
Komnas HAM National Commission on Human Rights
Kopassus Army's Special Force
Kostrad Army's Strategic Reserve Command
MSF-B Medecins sans Frontieres Belgium
MCK Combined Bathing, Washing and Latrine Facility
OPM Free Papua Organisation
PMI Indonesian Red Cross
Poliandes Field Health Post
Posyandu Integrated health service
Puskesmas Primary health centre
Pustu Primary health unit
Satkorlak PBP Provincial Coordinating Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees
Satlak PBP District Executing Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees
SC US Save the Children US
TNI Indonesian Armed Forces
WVI World Vision International

This report and previous ones can be found at

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