8 February - 14 February 2003
Various media reported that heavy rainfalls in Java, South Sumatra, Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and South Easter Sulawesi, have led to the displacement of many victims. Various media quoted Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Center of National Space and Aviation Institute), saying that Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau, Bengkulu, West Sumatra, Lampung, Central Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and West Timor provinces are expecting floods and landslides until March 2003.
Asia Times reported on Thursday (13 Feb.) that the recent floods and landslides in Indonesia are the latest reminders for Indonesia to attend the past environmental mistakes. Meanwhile, the impact of flood has been worsened by the damaged environment, especially due to deforestation in the country.
Jakarta Floods
According to The Jakarta Post on Friday (14 Feb.), a spokesman for the Greater Jakarta division of the state-owned railway operator PT Kereta Api, Zainal Abidin, revealed that the tracks at Kampung Bandan station in North Jakarta were inundated up to 10 centimetres causing the delays of trains. The delays also occurred at Depok railway station.
Floods inundated Jakarta on Thursday (13 Feb.) after five hours of heavy rains. In some areas, the flooding had reached 100 centimetres above the street level. The Governor of Greater Jakarta, Sutiyoso, stated that heavy rains on Wednesday night (12 Feb.) increased the water level up to 150 centimetres at the sluice-gates, causing the floods. As an early warning, the Satkorlak of Greater Jakarta announced that some areas would be experiencing medium floods due to the opening of the sluice-gates in Manggarai and Depok. The sluice-gates were forced to be opened due to the heavy flow of Sunter, Pesangrahan, and Ciliwung rivers. On Friday (14 Feb.), the Operations Centre of Satkorlak of Greater Jakarta released information on the temporarily displaced persons as follows:
Number of persons
temporarily displaced |
Number of Evacuation
Number of public kitchens
Number of
medical posts |
West Jakarta |
Central Jakarta |
| |
South Jakarta |
East Jakarta |
North Jakarta | ||||
(Data collected on Thursday, 13 Feb., source Posko Banjir DKI, Information Centre for Jakarta Floods 2003. The data above indicates the number of evacuation posts in use. Satkorlak of the Provincial Government of Greater Jakarta has prepared a total of 811 evacuation posts, 565 public kitchens, and 378 medical posts throughout Jakarta).
Papua Floods/Landslides
A Papuan local newspaper, Cendrawasih Pos, reported on Tuesday (11 Feb.) that the landslide occurred in Yigi and Mugi villages, Tiom sub-district of Jayawijaya district during last December - January has caused ten deaths. According to the local church, Gereja Yigi, some people died of food shortage and diseases since there was no medicine available in the local puskesmas or any food supply during the disaster.
Cendrawasih Post also reported on Saturday (8 Feb.) that landslides on 18 January in Okbul village, Okbibab sub-district of Jayawijaya district caused one death and displaced 77 families (356 people), seeking refuge in neighbouring areas. The landslides are still occurring, as there have been some tremors. The Head of Subdistrict of Okbibab confirmed that people are now suffering from food shortage and there no assistance has been provided by the Government or other parties.
2. ACEH (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam)
General Situation
According to local media reports, one civilian was killed during the week.
HDC reported in a press release on Monday (10 Feb.) that the representatives of GAM and GoRI presented their blueprints for the crucial demilitarisation phase on Saturday (8 Feb.). The broad outlines of the demilitarisation plan call for a five-month phased, balanced and reciprocal process. HDC will act as the hinge of trust to ensure compliance by both parties. GAM has agreed to the phased placement of its weapons in the secret locations that only HDC knows. The weapons sites will be subject to no-notice inspections by an in-coming team of HDC inspectors. In return for the GAM weapons placement, GoRI has agreed to reformulate the BRIMOB paramilitary units from being an offensive force to a "normally functioning police force." GoRI has also agreed to relocate its soldiers to defensive positions by transforming them to a defence force.
JSC agreed on Saturday (8 Feb.) to establish six new Peace Zones. The newly created Peace Zones will encompass Kawai XVI sub-district of West Aceh district, Peusangan sub-district of Bireuen district, Sawang sub-district of South Aceh district, Tiro sub-district of Pidie district, Simpang Keramat sub-district of North Aceh district, and Idi Tunong sub-district of East Aceh district. JSC has designated the Peace Zones for the areas severely affected by the conflict in the past. Such places will be the initial focus for the humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and reconstruction. International donors have specifically referred to Peace Zones as prime focus for economic aid.
The Jakarta Post reported on Thursday (13 Feb.) that the police arrested Muhammad Nazar, an Aceh pro independence activist and chairman of the Aceh Referendum Information Centre (SIRA), charging him with organising an illegal rally in January. According to his wife, Nazar was arrested by seven Banda Aceh Police officers at his home in Lampulo Baru village, Banda Aceh at 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday (12 Feb.). This is the second arrest for Nazar in two years.
Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, went to Lhokseumawe and Banda Aceh from 8 to 12 February to evaluate the latest security developments in Aceh in relations to the initiation of the demilitarisation phase being effective as of Sunday (9 Feb.).
JRS travelled to Pidie, East Aceh, and North Aceh districts from 2 to 10 February to conduct initial assessments for the development of its new programmes for 2003 in assisting IDPs and returnees in the province.
WHO is carrying out training on mental health research for team leaders from 5 to 10 February. The research team will be dispatched next week to 5 sites Banda Aceh, Great Aceh, Sabang, Pidie, and Southeast Aceh. OCHA provided security briefings for the researchers who will carry out their tasks in the field.
SC US visited Tangse and Geumpang sub-districts of Pidie district from 7 to 9 February to monitor its "Posyandu Cadres" training. Some 270 cadres from 27 villages participated in the training. SC US also conducted meetings with local clinic officials and communities as a start of its scabies treatment and campaign. An SC US consultant is currently working on establishing guidelines for the treatment process, which will be later approved by the Provincial Health Department.
Water and Sanitation
CARDI travelled to Central Aceh and North Aceh districts on Saturday (8 Feb.) to monitor previous emergency preparedness sites and assess sites for the current rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities programmes.
CARDI is conducting a field trip to Nagan Raya and Southwest Aceh districts from 13 to 16 February to monitor the ongoing water and sanitation activities under its Flood Emergency Response Programme.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
CARDI started a selection of its local partners in East Aceh district on Saturday (8 Feb.) following potential partners' submission of concept papers for the Community Development Micro-Grants Programme.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Nuansa Pos, reported on Saturday (8 Feb.) that a bus passenger was shot dead in Kayamanya of Poso Kota sub-district by a BRIMOB personnel from East Kalimantan. According to a local newspaper, Radar Sulteng, on Monday (10 Feb.), the Chief of Police East Kalimantan had approved the request from the Chief of Police Central Sulawesi, Brig. Gen. Taufik Ridha, to dismiss the personnel.
The second team of a joint mission, that consisted of ten people from UNDP, ILO, the Coordinating Ministry of Social Welfare and National Development Agency (BAPENAS), arrived in Palu on Sunday (9 Feb.) to further assess needs, define priorities and select possible partners for the implementation of "Preparatory Assistance Project for Central Sulawesi".
A radio and communication consultant from OCHA/NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council), Sten Ove Bergstrom, undertook a field assessment in Poso district from 9 to 11 February to define an appropriate shared communication system for humanitarian agencies in Central Sulawesi. This activity is part of a four-week assessment in the province.
IMC conducted a mobile clinic programme on Thursday (13 Feb.) in Limbue village of North Pamona sub-district. The mobile clinic treated 72 patients of women and children.
IMC held an Intensive Education Campaign (IEC) focusing on the safe motherhood, newborn care and immunisation for 195 people on Monday and Thursday (10 and 13 Feb.) at Posyandu Tegal Rejo and Posyandu Gebang Rejo of Poso Kota sub-district, and in Limbue villages of North Pamona sub-district.
Water and Sanitation
CWS provided concrete rings for the construction of eight units of latrines on Tuesday (11 Feb.) in Londi and Peonea villages of North Pamona sub-district.
CARE held a two-day meeting from 10 to 11 February to discuss its "Long Range Strategic Plan" for the upcoming five years. Some 27 persons from CARE management and relevant government representatives attended the meeting.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Ambon Ekspres, reported on Thursday (13 Feb.) that the Government of Maluku established a new monitoring team on Tuesday (11 Feb.) to solve IDP issues by the end of 2003. Members of the team were drawn from several institutions, such as social welfare, health, public works, manpower and transmigration departments, as well as from a non-governmental sector, such as NGOs, religious leaders and the media.
Ambon Ekspres reported on Monday (10 Feb.) that the first court hearing on persons accused of associating with violence in Maluku including bomb attacks allegedly carried out by a gang called "Coker" (lead by Berty Manuputty) was to take place on Monday (10 Feb.) at a North Jakarta court.
Ambon Ekspress quoted the Commander of Military Division II Pattimura (Pangdam), Major General Djoko Santoso, on Monday (10 Feb.), saying that until now his division has not found any indications of a Laskar Mujahidin's existence in Maluku, but investigations by the military would continue. Santoso added that rumours of such existence might have been spread by people who do not want Ambon to be in a stable situation. He advised that people should not be easily provoked by unclear allegations.
A team of ICMC staff and local partners completed field assessments on IDP issues (number of individuals, and vulnerability relating to the needs in food, health and resettlement) for strategic planning. The assessments were conducted on Seram island, which included 23 villages in Werinama sub-district, 7 villages in Bula sub-district, 10 villages in TNS/Amahai sub-district, and 11 villages in Wahai sub-district.
IMC assessed the extent of rehabilitation needs at three pustu in Kobisonto village of Seram island.
A team of SC UK conducted a follow up assessment in an IDP camp at Halong Navy Base of Ambon island, for implementation of its "Creating Safe Areas for Children" project (under the Early Childhood Development programme). The team learned that many displaced families remained in the camp, though some have returned to their places of origin. The TNI commander of the base stated that in spite of the new government policy on IDPs, many of the IDPs would remain in the camp until 2005.
The Head of Fisheries Department in Ambon visited Mercy Corps on Friday (7 Feb.) to get information on LNGOs involved in Mercy Corps' funded fisheries programmes and their areas of operation.
A psychosocial support specialist from UNICEF visited Ambon from 9 to 13 February to assess and evaluate projects implemented in Maluku province during 2001-2002.
The Department of Health and UNICEF launched the first HIV/AIDS awareness workshop in the province on Thursday (13 Feb.). The purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness of the epidemic and its special risk in conflict areas. Some senior government and NGOs officials attended the workshop.
IMC this week conducted a total of 1,718 medical consultations at its health stations on Buru and Seram islands.
IMC conducted rehabilitation of the health facilities on Seram and Buru islands. Meanwhile, the steady progress was made in rehabilitation of Masohi Polindes (Village Clinic), Polindes Usliapan and Polindes Centres on Seram island.
A mobile clinic team of MSF-B this week made 394 medical consultations at its health centres on Ambon Island.
MSF-B Out Reach Programme this week conducted a total of 230 medical consultations on Kelang island near Seram island.
Water and Sanitation
AcF completed the well cleaning programmes in several villages on Buru island. In addition, AcF continues the implementation of several water assistance programmes on the island, such as pipe line connection and tap installation in Tawiri village, as well as installation of borehole in Air Sakula village.
MSF-B Outreach Health Projects continued to provide service at several locations on Ambon island. In Belakang Kota (a suburb of Ambon City), MSF-B continued construction of latrine. Meanwhile in Rimba Raya (Ambon city suburb), MSF-B finished the construction of public shower facilities. At the IDP camp in Halong navy base, MSF-B called for community participation in provision of latrines. In Kampong Wara and THR IDP camps (a suburb of Ambon City), construction of rain catchments is on-going, while construction of wells at Rumah Tingkat was completed.
Mercy Corps funded a LNGO, Yayasan Siran Loor, to build 12 latrines in Somlain village of South East Maluku.
Mercy Corps monitored the water and sanitation programme in Silale village of Ambon island on Tuesday (11 Feb.). The programme is implemented by a LNGO, Yayasan Inti Persada Anak Nusa.
Mercy Corps and a LNGO, Lembaga Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, discussed establishment of cooperation with Student Community Service (KKN) for their future programme on Wednesday (5 Feb.).
Economic Faculty of Pattimura University and Mercy Corps discussed a possibility for joint training on "Business Plan" for LNGOs.
SC UK is supporting an English language training called "Cas Cis Cus" (Just Talk) project, which is aimed at supporting reconciliation between Christian and Muslin Junior and Senior High School students. In relation to this project, SC UK visited schools in Leihitu and Amahusu to socialize the major events, that will take place at a joint workshop on 8 March 2003.
UNICEF conducted a four day workshop from 5 to 9 February on "Library Management", combining it with "Child Rights" and "Peace Building" elements in order to promote intercommunity play groups and creative learning. Some 60 participants (mainly teachers, village facilitators and library staffs) attended the workshop. The workshop was part of UNICEF's Mobile Library project that is aimed at bringing books to remote areas for the fulfilment of children's educational and recreational rights.
Food Security and Agriculture
AcF continued the Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) activity by making registration of vulnerable communities and distributing seeds and tools. The activity, which is under AcF's Income Generating Programme (IGP), was started at the end of 2002 and is expected to finish at the end of March 2003.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
CARDI approved a total of USD10,000 to finance six projects from LNGOs and five projects from community-based organisations that cover various needs in the field of environment, health, education, income generation, and reconciliation.
Mercy Corps and 11 LNGOs held a coordination meeting on "Economic Empowerment" on Monday (10 Feb.) at the NGOs centre. The agenda of the meeting was distribution of seeds and tools in North Buru and South Buru, Lease, Banda and Seram islands.
SC UK has reached an arrangement with TNI Navy at Halong navy base to conduct sport activities (swimming, badminton, tennis lessons etc) for youth in the Halong IDP camp and other parts of Ambon City.
SC UK facilitated/arranged participation of two children from Maluku Children's Parliament and two escorts in the Third Annual Children's Congress in Denpasar, Bali. The theme of the congress was "Listen to our peaceful voice." Some 219 children from 30 provinces participated in the congress. A participant from Maluku, Hesty Ipa Enim was appointed as the "Ambassador for Indonesia Children."
Population Movements
The Social Welfare Office assisted the return of 520 displaced families (1,400 people) from Ternate to Galela sub-district on Saturday (8 Feb.) and 161 displaced families (485 people) from Ternate to Galao and Ngajam villages of Loloda subdistrict on Monday (10 Feb.).
Food Security and Agriculture
FAO, in cooperation with the local Department of Fisheries & Marine, and the Department of Agriculture, has started the preparation for implementation of the project to support development of fisheries and agriculture in North Maluku. In relation to this project, FAO travelled to the Halmahera mainland to determine/adjust cost/budgets required for the project implementation based on a local market price.
UNICEF continued monitoring of distribution of cold chain and refrigerators for vaccination, immunisation and sterilisation at the warehouses in Central Halmahera district and Ternate municipality on 10, 11 and 14 February.
Shelter and Non-food Items
WVI monitored its Roofing Kit projects in South Jailolo sub-district from 7 to 10 February, on Morotai island on Saturday (8 Feb.), and in Galela sub-district on Monday (10 Feb.).
WVI socialized its Housing Kit programme in Gotalamo village of Galela subdistrict on Tuesday (11 Feb.).
WVI distributed magazines developed through its Magazine Production programme to SD Inpres Soa Sio, SD Inpres Ngidiho, SD Min Soakonora, and SD Inpres Soakonora, all in Tobelo sub-district on Tuesday (11 Feb.).
WVI held an inauguration event for its Happy House programme in Gamhoku village of Tobelo sub-district on 7 February. (N.B. A Happy House is a special shelter for the displaced children where various activities specially designed for children are carried out).
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
WVI distributed and monitored its infrastructure project in Galela sub-district (covering Lalonga, Roko and Mamuya villages), South Jailolo sub-district (covering Toniku, Dodinga and Pasir Putih villages), and Luari village of Tobelo sub-district.
General Situation
Local media headlined the creation of a new province, West Irian Jaya, by the Central Government based on Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No: 27 Year 2003. Reports from Papua indicated that parts of the Papuan community have expressed their discontent over the division of the province and staged demonstrations to urge the Central Government to review it. This raised tension with regard to the local security situation, but no clashes occurred.
Food Security and Agriculture
Local media reported that natural disasters (heavy rains, earthquakes, and landslides) that occurred in Okbibab and Kurulu sub-districts of Jayawijaya district have destroyed plantations, gardens and crops in the areas. It was also reported that the victims in those two sub-districts plus Tiom sub-district suffered from food shortage.
Local media reported that the relevant government authorities have not taken any significant steps, including medicine supply, in regards to the endemic diseases occurred in some sub-districts in Jayawijaya district and Atsi sub-district of Merauke district.
Selected Abbreviations Key
ACF | Action Contre la Faim |
Bakornas PBP | National Coordinating Board for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
Brimob | Police Mobile Brigade |
Bulog | National Logistics Agency |
CWS | Church World Service |
GAM | Free Aceh Movement |
GoRI | Government of Indonesia |
CARDI | Consortium for Assistance to Refugees and the Displaced in Indonesia |
CORDAID | Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development |
HDC | Henry Dunant Center |
ICMC | International Catholic Migration Commission |
IMC | International Medical Corps |
IDP | Internally displaced person |
IRD | International Relief and Development |
JRS | Jesuit Refugee Service |
JSC | Joint Security Committee |
Komnas HAM | National Commission on Human Rights |
Kopassus | Army's Special Force |
Kostrad | Army's Strategic Reserve Command |
MSF-B | Medecins sans Frontieres Belgium |
MCK | Combined Bathing, Washing and Latrine Facility |
OPM | Free Papua Organisation |
PMI | Indonesian Red Cross |
Poliandes | Field Health Post |
Posyandu | Integrated health service |
Puskesmas | Primary health centre |
Pustu | Primary health unit |
Satkorlak PBP | Provincial Coordinating Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
Satlak PBP | District Executing Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
SC US | Save the Children US |
TNI | Indonesian Armed Forces |
WVI | World Vision International |
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.