25 January - 31 January 2003
Landslides in Garut, West Java
Triggered by torrential rains, a series of landslides occurred in Garut, West Java at 02.00 a.m. on Wednesday (29 Jan.). Three villages (Nenggeng, Budi Anten, and Bojong Jambu) of Mandalasari and Karangmulya sub-district, Kadungora district, were affected. Bojong Jambu village was the worst-affected area. The SATLAK, represented by the Head of Social Welfare District Office, reported 16 deaths. Search and Rescue workers at Garut district level are working to find other victims. From the three villages mentioned, 126 homes were reported damaged, with 1,308 people evacuated to two public facilities (i.e. Islamic school [madrasah] and a primary school) in Karangmulya sub-district. Electricity was disrupted four times during the course of the day. The media reported a total of 830 homes and other public buildings in two villages affected by the landslides.
The landslides have disrupted the trans-link road from Palengan to Cisewu districts. The media have reported that landslides have cut off the railway linking Jakarta to cities in Central and East Java via southern railway tracks. (see www.reliefweb.int for full Situation Report).
To contribute to the relief efforts, the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) has allocated a significant quantity of dry food to be sent to the affected populations. A two-person assessment team has been assigned, with the support of the IFRC, and is waiting for proceeding for a detailed assessment.
The Jakarta Post reported on Tuesday (28 Jan.) that the Governor of West Kalimantan, Usman Ja'far gave a report to Vice President Hamzah Haz who visited the capital Pontianak on Friday (24 Jan.) on the floods in four areas of West Kalimantan that have lasted from 10 to 22 January. Some 17,000 families (or 33,000 people) were evacuated from the flooded areas, while 5 deaths have been reported. The floods affected 10 sub-districts in the districts of Pontianak, Bengkayang, Sambas and the city of Singkawang.
A Papuan local media, Cendrawasih Pos, reported on Wednesday (29 Jan.) that following a landslide in Ninia sub-district of Jayawijaya district on Friday (24 Jan.), another landslide occurred in Okbul village of Okbibab sub-district. No casualties were reported, but 5 houses were damaged, and coffee and potato plantations were ruined.
BAKORNAS PBP conducted several follow-up assessment missions to flood-affected areas starting from Monday (27 Jan.). BAKORNAS PBP sent separate teams to Gorontalo city of North Sulawesi province, where floods and landslides affected 9 villages. Five schools and 838 hectares of farmland were reported damaged.
BAKORNAS PBP also sent a team to flooded sites in Ogan Komering Ilir and Ogan Komering Hulu of South Sumatra province. A total of 10,087 hectares of farmland have been affected and 2,439 families have been temporarily displaced.
An assessment team bringing humanitarian assistance was also sent to Mt. Semeru, Lumajang district of East Java province to monitor the volcanic activities/eruption, which affected 5 sub-districts and caused evacuation of 493 families. Social services and additional assistance have been provided by the local authorities and the Central Government respectively.
2. ACEH (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam)
General Situation
According to local media, one civilian and one GAM member were reported killed in the province during the week.
A local newspaper, Serambi Indonesia, reported on Thursday (30 Jan.) that seven high ranking ministers led by the Coordinating Minister for Social Welfare, Yusuf Kalla would visit Aceh to launch the social rehabilitation programmes and the distribution of humanitarian assistance to communities in Meureudu sub-district of Pidie district, on Saturday (1 Feb.). The ministers will proceed to Bireuen, East Aceh, Tamiang districts and Banda Aceh with the same agenda until 2 February.
Some 200 students launched a protest in front of the Joint Security Committee (JSC) headquarters in Kuala Tripa Hotel, Banda Aceh, on Tuesday (28 Jan.). The protesters urged a JSC monitoring team to investigate an incident in which two students on a motorcycle were shot by unidentified gunmen in Lamreng village, Darussalam sub-district of Banda Aceh district on Saturday (Jan 25.). One victim died, while the other was critically wounded. A spokesperson of JSC stated that the Committee would launch an on-the-spot investigation and would announce the findings through the press.
The Jakarta Post reported on Sunday (26 Jan.) that Indrapuri sub-district of Great Aceh district was declared as the first Peace Zone in Aceh on Saturday (25 Jan.). The declaration ceremony took place near a traditional market and was attended by some 2,000 local settlers and representatives of Great Aceh district. At a media briefing after completion of the ceremony, HDC Senior Envoy, Major General Tanongsuk Tuvinun stated that JSC would extend the Peace Zones to another 8 districts before 8 February. A GAM spokesperson T. Kamaruzaman revealed that Banda Aceh, Great Aceh, South Aceh, Bireun, North Aceh and East Aceh districts would be demilitarised within the next two weeks.
SC US conducted training on "Posyandu Cadres" from 28 to 31 January in Tangse sub-district. Some 270 cadres from 27 villages in Tangse participated in the training. The purpose of the training was to train and select volunteers for posyandu cadres and to increase their knowledge and skills in mobilising communities, especially for addressing public health problems.
Water and Sanitation
A water sanitation team from CARDI conducted a field trip to Nagan Raya and South West Aceh districts from 20 to 25 January to assess two villages in Nagan Raya district for possible inclusion in its "Rehabilitation of Water and Sanitation Facilities Programme" funded by OFDA/USAID. In addition, CARDI conducted interviews for recruitment of Field Monitors in South West Aceh and Nagan Raya districts as part of its "Flood Emergency Response Programme" funded by DFID/OCHA Emergency Reponse Fund.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
ICMC travelled to South Aceh and South West Aceh districts from 16 to 26 January to meet its partners and communities in relation to its "Reducing the Vulnerability of Female-Headed Households in Aceh" programme. New community training will begin in these areas in February and will include training on community organisation, and technique for producing nutmeg and peanut products, and for embroidery. Some 90 people from South Aceh and 154 people from South West Aceh will attend the programme.
CARDI and its local partners (Gardamedina, Sue Support Group [SSG] and Muhammadiyah) conducted a field trip to the selected sites in Bireuen and Central Aceh from 19 to 24 January to monitor its "Livelihood Programme" funded by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through this programme, CARDI provides farming tools and seeds for farmers, as well as fishery kits for fishermen.
CARE started a one-month assessment for its "Poso's Emergency for Agricultural and Livelihood Security (PEARLS)" project in selected sites in South Pamona, Lage, Poso Pesisir and Tojo sub-districts on Sunday (26 Jan.)
CARE completed its one-month "Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Capacity Vulnerable Analysis (CVA)" assessment for some 165-220 families in 11 villages across Poso Kota, Poso Pesisir, Lage, North Pamona and East Pamona sub-districts on Friday (24 Jan.). This assessment aimed at obtaining general information on income sources and urgent needs of the IDPs and returnees, and also identifying the strengths and vulnerabilites of the IDPs when returning to their places of origin. CARE also had a meeting to obtain further information on the issue on Tuesday (28 Jan.). Some 15 people from relevant government institutions, security forces (Police/TNI) and NGOs attended the meeting.
Food Security and Agriculture
CWS distributed rice, red beans and vegetable oil to some 785 families in 14 villages of Mori Atas sub-district on Friday (24 Jan.).
CARE completed its two-month "Supplementary Food Programme" for 227 infants in five areas of Poso Kota sub-district on Friday (31 Jan.).
IMC conducted health examination for children and Intensive Education Campaign (IEC) on drug abuse for 234 children in two elementary schools in Lawanga and Rononuncu villages of Poso Kota sub-district from 27 to 28 January.
IMC distributed anti worm tablets in North Lore sub-district from 27 to 30 January.
Shelter and Non-food Items
CARE provided shelter materials for 196 returnee families in the sub-sub-districts of Lawanga, Tegalrejo and Madale of Poso Kota sub-district from 29 to 30 January.
IMC reported that starting from 10 February 2003, IMC would reduce its mobile clinic activity due to lack of basic drugs.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Ambon Ekspress, reported on Friday (24 Jan.) that an unknown sniper shot at a car carrying vegetables on Jl. Sudirman in Galungun area (a suburb of Ambon city). One person was reported injured. The incident did not escalate further.
Population Movement
Ambon Ekspress, reported on Monday (27 Jan.) that at least 721 IDPs from Bacan sub-district of North Maluku province have left Amahai, Taniwel and Kairatu sub-districts on Seram Island to return home. The departure of the IDPs was seen off by the Head of District (Bupati) of Central Maluku.
ICMC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with four national NGOs (MODCA, LAKPESDAM Tkt.1, ERIKAWAN and Diakonia) to conduct joint assessments on the IDP situation in Werinama, Bula, Wahai and Tiong Nila Serua sub-districts of Central Maluku district.
IMC this week conducted a total of 2,678 medical consultations at its health stations in Buru district (covering Wamsisi, Leksula and Waemulang sub-districts) and Seram district (covering sub-districts of Taniwel, Tehoru, Werinama, Wahai, Kobisonta and Masohi hospital), and at its mobile clinic operating in Masohi area of Seram Island.
IMC's clinic boat "The Srikandi" visited villages along the coast of West Seram Island for routine health assessments and provided 388 medical consultations.
A mobile clinic team from MSF-B had 346 consultations at MSF-B supported health centres on Ambon Island.
Water and Sanitation
AcF continued implementation of its water and sanitation programme, which consists of well cleaning and water trucking programmes in Tawiri village and Wailiha area of Benteng Karang (a suburb of Ambon city), construction of spring catchments and Gravity Force System (GFS) on West Seram Island, and instalment of five tap stands and a pump in Tawiri village. The construction of one well and one water storage in Tawiri village has been completed.
ICMC sponsored a three-day training on "Conflict Analysis and Facilitation Skills" for its Programme Officers and four LNGO partners. The training was designed and implemented by members of INSIST (a research and training organization based in Yogyakarta) and Yayasan Baileo from 13 to 15 January in Ambon city.
ICMC signed an MOU with an LNGO, Tiara Pusaka, to continue facilitating dialogue within and among Nuniala, Patahuwa, Wakolo and Lisabata villages in Taniwel sub-district of Seram Island.
General Situation
A local newspaper, Mimbar Kieraha, reported during the week that a debate on the creation of the municipality of Tidore Island City (Kota Tidore Kepulauan) has been going on, even though the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) has ratified the bill on the Creation of New Districts in North Maluku province together with other 25 areas all over Indonesia on Monday (27 Jan.). Several youth organisations rejected the creation of Tidore Island City as a municipality since it was not part of the initial plan of the division of the previous Central Halmahera district.
Mimbar Kieraha reported on Tuesday (28 Jan.) that the Programme and Planning Bureau of North Maluku Provincial Maluku planned to build some 6,000 houses typed T-36 for returnees and other public infrastructure in the year 2003. The programmes require some IDR 25 billion from the Local Government Budget (APBD). The Government of North Maluku has built some 28,000 houses, 16 elementary schools and 2 pustu during the year 2001-2002.
Food Security and Agriculture
WVI conducted training for fishermen groups in: all villages of North Morotai and South Morotai sub-district, which were under its operation coverage, from 23 to 29 January; in Toguraci village of South Jailolo sub-district from 28 to 29 January; and in all area under its operation coverage in Galela sub-district.
FAO commenced implementation of "Livelihood Support to Resettling Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Vulnerable Populations in North Maluku " projects (OSRO/INS/201/NET), by recruiting an international fishery expert and fielding a national consultant to North Maluku. The project is a response to the FAO proposals included in the CA 2002. The budget of US$475,000 is funded by the Government of the Netherlands. The project is aimed at providing fishing gears and equipment to 7,000 fishermen and women, and also food processing equipment to 50 farming communities. The project will also include construction of 300 fishing canoes by involving local carpenters and craftsmen. The project agreement was signed on 22 January between FAO and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, with the presence of a representative of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta.
IMC this week treated some 1,331 patients through its mobile clinic in Kao, Malifut, Tobelo, Galela, South Morotai and North Morotai sub-districts and in Posi-Posi Rao Island.
IMC conducted various health education programmes at various sites. Topics covered were: malaria, self hygiene and worm disease in SD Makarti, Kao-Malifut sub-district (soap was also distributed); TB and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) in Sambiki Tua village of South Morotai sub-district; malaria in Miradengan village; TB in Sopi village; Pneumonia in Lusuo village of North Morotai sub district; skin disease, and low birth weight and sex education for students in SMPK Posi-Posi in Posi-Posi Rao Island.
IMC conducted training on Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) and distributed TBA kit in: Wawama and Sangowo villages of South Morotai sub-district; and Miradengan village of North Morotai sub-district. IMC also conducted training for posyandu cadres and midwives in Aru Burung village of Posi-Posi Rao Island.
IMC has continued its UNDP funded programmes to rehabilitate pustu in Tobelo sub-district (covering Leleoto and Ruko villages) and Igobula village of Galela sub-district, and polindes in Tobelo sub-district (covering Paca, Tobe, Wari and Popilo villages) and in Galela sub-district (covering Ngidiho, Dokulamo and Lalonga).
CORDAID reported that there has been an outbreak of malaria and high fever in Golao village of Jailolo sub-district.
Shelter and Non-food Items
CORDAID reconstructed: 10 houses in Talaga village of Ibu sub-district; 10 houses in Susupu village and 15 houses in Peot village of Sahu sub-district; 30 houses in Golao village of Jailolo sub-district; 15 houses in Biamaahi village of South Jailolo sub-district; 8 houses in Sosol of Malifut sub-district; and 7 houses in Sosol village in Kao sub-district. Projects in Biamaahi village has reached 80% of completion and 50-60% in other areas.
UNDP monitored its "Assistance to Government Housing Programme" for 520 houses through Satkorlak.
WVI conducted a census for damaged school buildings in Galela sub-district from 23 to 24 January. WVI also conducted training on magazine production in Tobelo sub-district from 23-29 January 2003.
Economic Recovery and Infrastructure
WVI monitored its Community Recovery Project (CRP) II in Galela sub-district from 23 to 29 January and CRP I in Gorua, Ruko and Togoliua village of Tobelo sub-district. WVI also monitored its infrastructure project in Galela, Malifut and South Jailolo sub-district.
UNDP placed one Senior Programme Officer and one Housing and Infrastructure Project Coordinator in its Ternate office.
UNDP organized a Security Workshop attended by staff of all UN agencies and INGOs in North Maluku, as well as UNDP staff of "Maluku and North Maluku Recovery Programme".
General Situation
Associated Press Washington and the The New York Times on Thursday (30 Jan.) quoted the U.S. States Department, as stating that it has asked the GoRI to carry out a serious investigation into the deaths of the two American teachers killed in Papua in August 20002. Spokesman Richard Boucher gave no details but it was reported that U.S. Officials have learned that the Americas were killed in an ambush carried out by Indonesian soldiers. The Jakarta Post reported on Wednesday (29 Jan) that the National Police Chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar gave assurances to legislators that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) would not dictate the Indonesian police in the ambush investigation. He further explained during a hearing with the House of Representatives, that the foreign investigators were here to provide assistance for their Indonesian counterparts.
The Jakarta Post reported on Tuesday (28 Jan.) that five Papuan witnesses testified in court at the military tribunal in Surabaya on Monday (27 Jan.) that they had never seen the soldiers charged with the murder of the Papuan separatist leader, Theys Hiyo Eluay, in 2001. The witnesses could not identify any of the defendants from the Army's Special Force (Kopassus) as the killers of Theys.
A local media, Cendrawasih Pos, on Tuesday (28 Jan.) quoted the Chief of District Police in Manokwari district, AKPB Drs. Yohanes Prapto Wirahadi as stating that his team would continue sweeping for weapons until they could catch the civil armed group led by Otis Koridama.
The Jakarta Post on Saturday (25 Jan.) quoted TNI spokesman Maj. Gen. Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin that the two FBI agents (Mr. Edward Montoth and Mr. Robert Deardorss) met with TNI Chief Gen. Endriartono Sutarto and other high-ranking military executives on Thursday (23 Jan.). Both parties agreed to cooperate and ensure that the investigation on deaths of two American teachers was mutually beneficial.
Food Security and Agriculture
Cendrawasih Pos reported on Wednesday (29 Jan.) that the heavy hail over the last few weeks save damage to crop farmlands and agriculture in Ninia and Okbibab sub-district of Jayawijaya district. Food shortage is likely to be a problem.
Cendrawasih Pos on Monday (27 Jan.) quoted the Head of District Health Office in Jayapura, Dr. Esterlina Ayomi, as saying that one of the main tasks of the district health office was to reduce the mortality rate of mother and children. In cooperation with UNICEF Papua, her office has been implementing "Kelangsungan Hidup Perkembangan Perlindungan Ibu dan Anak (KHPPIA)" programme. The mortality rate is reported to have been significantly reduced.
Cendrawasih Pos reported on Wednesday (29 Jan.) that Phrambosia disease has spread in 9 villages in Atsy sub-district of Merauke district. The local health center stated on Saturday (24 Jan.) that approximately 60 patients have been treated daily at the center and it has no supply of medicine since November 2002.
Selected Abbreviations Key
ACF | Action Contre la Faim |
BAKORNAS PBP | National Coordinating Board for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
BRIMOB | Police Mobile Brigade |
BULOG | National Logistics Agency |
CWS | Church World Service |
GAM | Free Aceh Movement |
GoRI | Government of Indonesia |
CARDI | Consortium for Assistance to Refugees and the Displaced in Indonesia |
CORDAID | Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development |
HDC | Henry Dunant Center |
ICMC | International Catholic Migration Commission |
IMC | International Medical Corps |
IDP | Internally displaced person |
IRD | International Relief and Development |
JRS | Jesuit Refugee Service |
KOMNAS HAM | National Commission on Human Rights |
KOPASSUS | Army's Special Force |
KOSTRAD | Army's Strategic Reserve Command |
MSF - B | Medecins sans Frontieres Belgium |
MCK | Combined Bathing, Washing and Latrine Facility |
OPM | Free Papua Organization |
PMI | Indonesian Red Cross |
Poliandes | Field Health Post |
Posyandu | Integrated health service |
Puskesmas | Primary health centre |
Pustu | Primary health unit |
SATKORLAK PBP | Provincial Coordinating Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
SATLAK PBP | District Executing Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees |
SC US | Save the Children US |
TNI | Indonesian Armed Forces |
WVI | World Vision International |
This report and previous ones can be found at www.reliefweb.int
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