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Indonesia: Metro TV starts construction of schools in Aceh

Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief -- Construction started this month on three schools, being developed by Metro TV, in the tsunami-torn province of Aceh. Called as Sukma schools, the schools in Pidie, Bireun and Lhoksumawe each have a total estimated cost of US$2.7 million.
As reported by BCI Asia, each school consists of single-storey buildings with a floor space of about 15,000 square meters on a site of six to seven hectares. Each school will have an elementary school, a junior high school, a senior high school, an administration area, a laboratory and multifunction hall, a mosque, a dormitory, housing, football, volley ball and basket ball fields.

Building elements include ceramic floors, concrete and steel structures, gypsum board ceilings, metal and concrete roofs, painted plastered brick walls and doors as well as windows of aluminium and timber frames.

An international design team came together for these projects including PT Arkipuri Intra Nasional as architect, PT Gistama Intisemesta as structural engineer, PT Meinhardt Indonesia as services engineer and PT Davis Langdon & Seah Indonesia as quantitiy surveyor. PT Hutama Karya is building the schools in Pidie and Bireun. PT Adhi Karya is building the school in Lhoksumawe.

Metro TV's projects are among the first significant building projects to get underway in Aceh since the earthquake and tsunami. PT BCI Asia and its staff are proud to have donated funds to Metro TV's tsunami appeal in the disaster's aftermath.

Metro TV established Yayasan Sukma (Sukma Foundation) to continue its efforts in raising fund to build the schools. The schools will also be owned and managed by Yayasan Sukma. Metro TV and Yasayan Sukma are headed by Surya Paloh, former candidate of Indonesian vice president in last election. Paloh also membes of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency for Aceh and Nias' supervisory board. © che