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Indonesia + 1 more

Indonesia, Malaysia - Floods (ADINet, BNPB, MET Malaysia, BMKG) (ECHO Daily Flash of 21 March 2022)

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting southern Peninsular Malaysia and northern Indonesia (in particular northern Sulawesi Island) since 18 March, causing floods that have resulted in displacements and damage.
  • The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 21 March, nearly 615 displaced people in Bentong District (western Pahang State, bordering with the Kuala Lumpur area). In addition, ADINet also reports a total of more than 3,400 affected people and 925 flooded houses across Gorontalo and Bone Bolango Regencies (both in Gorontalo Province, northern Sulawesi Island).
  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy rainfall is forecast over the whole Peninsular Malaysia as well as over the whole Sulawesi Island.