Landslides in the district. Lumajang, Prov. East Java
Update: Friday 02 October 2020 Pkl. 17.00 WIB
- There was a landslide on Thursday, October 1, 2020 around Pkl. 01.00 WIB due rain with high intensity
Fatalities :
- ± 42 households affected
Material Disadvantages:
24 units of RR houses
18 housing units affected
The road is covered with landslide material along 50 meters
State of the art:
Cloudy weather
The landslide material on the road has been successfully cleared and the road can be passed by vehicles
TEAM I Pusdalops BNPB
Cc. Ess. 1
Additional Data
Country: Indonesia
Affected Area / Region: Lumajang Regency, East Java Province
Affected Families: 42
Affected Persons: 210
Damaged houses: 41 Damaged infrastructure (e.g. road, water network): 50 m road covered with landslides