Banda Aceh, Indonesia-Relief --
The Internationale Humanitare Hilfsorganisation (IHH) of Germany, in cooperation
with Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat (PKPU) and Yayasan Darussalam, has start
construction of a vocational training center and tsunami children orphanage
in village of Siem, subdistrict of Darussalam, Aceh Besar.
The ground breaking ceremony held last
month and the project inaugurated by IHH's Turkey branch Abu Umar and
BRR's deputy of Social and Religious Affair Fuad Mardhatillah. The ceremony
also attended by Secretary II of Aceh Besar Yusmadi, PKPU Aceh Manager
Suharyanto, and director of Darussalam Foundation Tgk Noerman.
IHH provides Rp 5.8 billion ($610,000) for completion of both building and its facilities. The training center and orphanage building, built near the greater mosque of Siem, will cost Rp 1.8 billion. While the remaining Rp 4 billion will goes to buy the training center equipment (automotive maintenance equipment, computer, etc), as well as beds and furniture for the orphanage.
The construction of the buildings scheduled to be completed in 4 months. IHH will send the training center equipment after the building completed. Later PKPU and Darussalam Foundation will manage the daily operation of both facilities.
In early June, PKPU has also started the construction of a free Islamic elementary school in village of Neuhen. The project funded by Indonesian Student Association in Japan (PPI Japan). The construction will completed in August and will provide educational services to poor children living in the areas. © dil