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Indonesia - Floods, update (BMKG, ADINet) (ECHO Daily Flash of 25 August 2021)

  • Widespread floods triggered by heavy rain continue to affect several parts of Indonesia over the past few days, leading to casualties and damage.

  • According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADInet), in Sumatra island, at least 4,200 people have been affected, 2,935 in Medan City (North Sumatra Province) and 1,255 in East Aceh Regency (Aceh Province). In Kalimantan Island, more than 750 people have been affected and 40 displaced across the Regencies of Seruyan and West Kotawaringin (Central Kalimantan Province).

  • On 25-26 August, light to moderate rain with thunderstorms is expected over most parts of the affected Provinces.