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Indonesia: Floods in Karawang not yet recedes

Floods in Karawang have not shown signs of receding, with over 105,000 people still living in shelters built across the West Java town.

The regional social services agency data on Saturday revealed that floodwater from overflowing Citarum River inundated 30,652 houses in 10 districts across the regency. Telukjambe Timur district was the worst hit area, with over 17,600 families affected.

Earlier in the day Information and Communication Minister Tifatul Sembiring visited flood victims and handed over six tons of rice, 200 boxes of instant noddles, 300 boxes of mineral water, to flood victims through the local authorities.

Tifatul said a number of cellular operators such as Telkomsel, Telkom, XL, Indosat, Axis, and Smart also provided food supplies to the flood victims.