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Indonesia - Floods and landslides update (BMKG, ADINet) (ECHO Daily Flash of 08 November 2021)

  • Heavy rain continues in parts of Indonesia since last week, causing floods, landslides and ensuing damage.
  • According to the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre), at least 4,600 people are affected and more than 2,500 houses damaged by floods.
  • In Gorontalo Province (Sulawesi Island), almost 3,650 people are affected and approximately 1,260 houses flooded. In Jakarta Metropolitan Area, 2,031 people are affected and 61 houses damaged as a result of floods, landslides and strong winds.
  • On 8-9 November, moderate rain and thunderstorms are forecast over most parts of the affected provinces.