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Indonesia - Floods and landslides (BNPB, ADINet, BMKG) (ECHO Daily Flash of 18 March 2022)

  • Heavy rainfall continues to affect parts of Indonesia, causing floods, triggering landslides and leading to widespread damage.

  • According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), almost 9,200 people have been affected by floods and more than 100 others by a landslide across several sub-districts of Balikpapan City (East Kalimantan Province).

  • In Bireuen Regency (Aceh Province, north-west Sumatra), 1,000 people have been displaced and almost 5,000 were affected following flood events. More than 4,500 houses have been damaged across the affected Provinces.

  • For the next 24 hours, light to heavy rain with thunderstorms is forecast across the aforementioned Provinces.