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Indonesia - Floods and landslide (ADINet, BNPB, BMKG) (ECHO Daily Flash of 15 November 2021)

  • Heavy rain has been affecting Sumatra and Java Islands since 12 November, causing floods and triggering landslides that have resulted in population displacements and damage.

  • The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 14 November, nearly 2,100 displaced people, more than 3,200 affected people and over 550 damaged buildings (including three schools) across North Aceh Regency (Aceh Province, northern Sumatra). ADINet also reports more than 800 affected people and nearly 130 damaged houses across East Java and West Java Provinces.

  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy rain with locally very heavy rain is forecast over northern Sumatra and the whole Java.